Chapter 9

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3 months later

Rachel is  eight months pregnant and Finn and Kurt are leaving tomorrow and Rachel still doesn't know. There going to have to tell her today and no one wants to tell her. Finns plan didn't work they decided finn to do it since he knocked her up.
Finn:Rach can I come in.

Rachel: Yeah come in
Finn comes in and he sits on rachel bed and we can't help but notice how big Rachel bump  has gotten.
Finn:how my little man doing
Rachel: he keep on kicking. If you watch my stomach you can see where he kicks
Finn: that's cool Rach but we have to talk
Rachel:about what
Finn:well tomorrow I'm going to California with Kurt and Burt and my mom and Quinn
Rachel:Your going  tomorrow and I'm just finding this out now
Finn :I know I should of told you earlier
Rachel:whatever finn get out I can't even stand you just get out
Finn :Rach calm down please don't stress out for our son please
Rachel try's to get up and when she does she waddles to the door and walks out finn follows her begging  her to clam down . She goes in her car and drives off. She needed to get away from everyone. Finn try's calling her but she ingores him. But he does it till she answers.
Rachel:What do you want finn
Finn:I want you to go back to the house
Rachel:I'll be back tomorrow I just need to stay away from you and Kurt
Finn:Rachel tomorrow i will be in California
Rachel:Sucks for you finn I guess you won't see me for a month than
Finn:Rach this is ridiculous come back to the house
Rachel:I'm not coming till you leave
Finn:Rachel come back your 7 months pregnant and your going who knows where I don't feel age with you out
Rachel:I'm staying in a hotel for a night and it will be a nice don't worry now
After that Rachel hanged up. Finn just sighed. He went inside and packed his stuff for tomorrow.He went in Rachel room  to tell her and his son night but they weren't here so
He couldn't. That just made him mad he didn't want to go to California anymore there was so much that could go on with Rachel and the baby he just didn't like the idea of leaving her home alone he wished he didn't decide to go but know it's to late to back out know. He takes his and kurt stuff to the car and went back and got his moms stuff. After he was done with that he went to bed getting ready for what this week has In store.
Yay Finn and Rachel are fighting that's just great. Notice the sarcasm

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