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Play song if you want to not forcing ya.

Delirious pov

I decided to get money of someone's  bank account . So when I saw a women walk to the bank I put a gun to her back and asked her how much she had in her bank account. (I was out of ideas)

She had  a lot of money but right now I just want $500,000 so I told her to get that 500 grand out of her bank account or she won't see light again.

She nodded in agreement we walked in the bank together we waited in line for like 10 minutes until she was called.

"Hey how can I help you today" the lady at the desk she said.

"Hey I would like to-" she was cut off by gun shots.

I went down to the floor because I didn't want to look suspicious but I already have the mask but still.

Y/n pov

We shot the door open because why not. We started shouting at the people at the bank.

"Everybody get down to the floor" Yelled Felix.

Everybody went to the floor. I told Mark and Jack to come through the front and so they did.

"You" I pointed to a girl that was behind the desk.

"Open the safe," I said.

She did as told.

"Frank, Death, Anti, and Dark go get the money, Hope and I will be here to keep an watch," I said.

( You and your crew Nick names Felix = Frank, Y/f/n = Hope, Xavier = Death, Mark = Dark, and Jack = Anti)

I was looking around till a guy with a hockey mask and blue jacket caught my eye.

"Fuck" I mummurd.

" Hey you " I yelled pointing my gun at him.

Delirious pov

She called me over pointing her gun at me.

"Get over here,"  she said.

I did as told I went up to her. She asked a question I didn't expect to be asked.

"How much," she said.

"Excuse me" I asked a bit confused.

"Oh c'mon how much were you about to take from that lady" she asked.

I froze up how the fuck did she know.

"How did you know" I asked.

"Just tell me how much" she said clearly annoyed.

"Um 500,000" I stated blankly.

Y/n pov

"Um 500,000" he said.

"Hey Felix, give me a bag with 500,000 " he looked at me if I was dumb but did it anway.

"Ok delirious don't tell anyone especially Vanoss about this or else" I said giving him the bag.

"How the fuck do you know my name" He asked, but I already had him outside.

"Run the cops are coming" I yelled.

Vanoss pov

Delirious came in the safe house without breathe like he ran a marathon.

"What the fuck is wrong , and why do you have a duffel bag." I said.

He caught his breath.

"I was planning to rob a women but was disturbed by her and her gang" he said.

"What she has a gang" Wildcat spoke.

"Yes and she is a gang leader" Delirious said.

"And how did you get out" I asked.

"She gave me the money and let me out she helped me" he said.

What she helped Delirious it's like she knew him.

Y/n pov

When we were done we had ran out and was greeted by the cops. Y/Bff/n and Valentin  where sniping the cops. Some choppers were flying around. We all met up at the get away car and we when off. I got the Rpg from the back and shot all the choppers down. Valentin was throwing C4 at the cop cars. After a while of fighting we lost the cops and we want to the safe house.

Wildcat pov

I was watching the Tv when the show was inturupted  by a news reporter.

"We are here in the Los Santos bank while it is being robbed --- oh here they are coming out " she said.

"OH MY GOD RUN RUN THEY ARE SHOOTING" she reporter yelled.

The camera went to a helicopters point of view it was her she was shooting the cops. Then the Tv cut off luckily the whole crew was here to watch it. The mouth were open in a aww.

"Dam they good" said Mini.

"Shut up Mini" said Vanoss.

Y/n pov

We were back at the safe house and we decided to celebrated. Jack being the Irish one came in with beers they all took a beer except me.

"Yea guys enjoy I'm going to bed gotta get up early" I said.

"You sure," Valentin asked.

"Yea night," I said.

" Night," I said.

I went to my room took of my clothes and put them in the washer. I went to take a bath and when I was done i got out and changed to some joggers and a random T-shirt. I laid in my bed thinking about Delirious.

Why was he in the bank at that time, I mean I know he is a gang every one in the  Vanoss crew were in a gang called the banana bus squad but I was a leader to a different group. I found out who they are cause who dresses up as their GTA character in a gang. But I just hope they don't find out who I am. YES I am the most wanted girl out there and no one knows how I look like except my gang so I should be ok. 

I fell asleep thing about my older brother that I lost years ago.

"Oh how much I miss you Jonathon " I said before drifting off to sleep.

Delirious pov

I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't I was thinking of what my smaller sister is doing . Yes I know I haven't seen her since the day my parents were murdered. I was 14 at the time and she was 12 but she was brave enough to save me. I was taken away by two men from my dads gang called The Riders.

But I was able to escape once we were at the safe house of theirs. It was night but it helped that is also why I wear a mask so they can't see who I am and try to capture me. My sister probably thinks I'm dead or ahe might be dead.

"I miss you Y/n" was the last thing I said before I went to sleep.

What you think plot twister but Jonathon is my whaaaa lol see what happens next ~ Ash

Word count = 1093 words

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