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Red (Y/n) p.o.v.
I woke up tied to a chair. My vision went blurry for a bit, but then I got a clear view of the dim lighted room. I look around to find someone next to me, not just anyone though, my brother.

"Jonathon," I whispered yelled.

"Jonathon wake up," I said a bit louder.

"What," he said lifting his head.

"What fucking happened," he continued.

"By the looks of it it seems that we got Kidnapped Mr. Dennis," I said in a joking matter.

"Y/n, do I still have my mask on," he said making me look at it.

"By the looks of it, yes, yes you do," I said.

"How about me," I said smiling.

"Y/n they took your mask off," he said in a serious tone.

"What," I yelled.

"Just kidding, you still have it on," he said laughing a bit.

"Fucking dick," I said.

"For people who got Kidnapped, you guys are not taking this serious," said a figure emerging from the shadows.

"Well we are different people," I said.

"Now you guys stay here while I talk to the rest,'' he  said the chuckling at the end.

"There is no other place for us to go dipshit," I yelled before he closed the door.

"Do you think this has to do with that guy that wanted to know about Red," said delirious.

"Yea, I think so," I said putting my head down.

"Hey, don't worry," he said.

"Honey I'm TheGamingHider I ain't got nothing to worry about," I said tryna lift the mood.

"Your the GamingHider," he pretended to act surprised.

"Yup the one and only," I said smiling.

"Oh my god I'm a fan, plz sign my tits," he said causing me to laugh out loud.

"Shut up you guys are getting annoying," said a man entering the room.

"Anyway do you know why your here," he said.

"Does it look like I know," I said in a bitchy tone.

"Well for starters we think you know a bit about one of our friends, Red," he said smirking.

"What makes you think that," I said.

"You told one of our men before you killed them," he said.

"Well that was just to save my fucking life along with my friends, anyway why do you care so much about this Red chick," I said.

"Cause she has done something that made me upset," he said.

"May I ask what," I said.

"You ask a lot of questions," he said annoyed.

"Well who doesn't," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"But then why is he here," I said looking at Jonathon.

"Just shut the fuck up your getting annoying," said another guy.

"You know you really remi-" I started before i was cut off.

"Did you just slap me," I said.

"And so what if I did," he said smirking.

"That's a bitchy ass move usually I get punched," I said looking at the ceiling.

"Just shut the fuck up and answer our questions," said the dude That I guess is the leader.

"Dude just ask and we'll see if we can answer," said Jonathon.

"You think your funny," said the guy getting closer to him with a knife on his hand.

I panicked scared what he was going to do to him. We already got scars from fucking knifes cause of that dumbfuck but still, we don't want more.

"Okay, okay well answer your fucking questions just don't do shit to him," I said.

"Finally," he said backing away.

"Where is Red," he asked.

"I'll be honest with you, we talk for a bit but she never tells me where she's at," I said looking down.

"I don't believe You," he said.

This is the part where I have to act like a scared civilian.

"I'm telling the truth she never tells me where she is at, I don't think she trusts me," I said.

"Yea okay then," he said turning around then punching me.

"Hey leave her alone, she is telling the truth," yelled Jonathon.

"Why did I even let you have your mask, take them off," he said.

"I always wondered what you look like under that mask Hider," he cooed.

"No I'll tell you the truth just don't touch me or take my mask off," I said sounding like I was begging.

"Okay then, where is she," he said.

"She is at her hide out," I stated.

"And where is that," he asked.

"I don't know but I can help you with this,'' I said.

"With what," he said.

"I can get her to come over here," I said.

"And how," he said really listening now.

"You have to record a video of us, and and send it to a phone number she gave me," I said.

"And what is that gonna do," he said.

Wow he us really dumb, he must be new to this type of stuff.

"That tell her where I am, and she will come and save us, there you can do whatever you want," I said.

"Okay then we will start tomorrow," he said leaving the room with all the guys.

"What do you think your doing," said a panicking Jonathon.

I looked around to see if there was anyone in the room. Luckily no one was here so far.

"I'm telling them where we are so they can come and try to save us," I said.

"What if something bad happens," he said.

"I am as worried as you are right now but remember this is two of the most wanted gangs combined together to defeat this new gang," I said.

"I guess your right," he said.

"Just calm down I won't let them do anything to any of us," I said.

Short chapter yes I know. But do you guys like it when the chapter is separated with talking or all together.

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