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Psycho (Y/n) p.o.v.
I went to the football field since I know no one except maybe some people from the team will be there. I went to the bleachers and saw some football players there. The coach went over to me "Why are you here" he asked. "No reason, I cant see the team in action" I said looking at him. He scoffed and left to 'coach' the team. I notice that Tyler and Jonathon were on the team. So I saw them throwing the ball at each other and constantly looking at me. But they weren't the only ones looking at me, half of the team was too. The same jock from before came over but with some of his friends. "Hey" he cooed. "What the fuck do you want" I said. "Come on baby girl let me take a spin in your ride" he said. "Your still on  that,  didn't you hear me the first day I said , Fuck. No. Have. A. Nice. Day." He seemed ticked off. "I tried being nice to you but your just a bitch, you whore." He said pissed." Excuse me who the fuck are you calling whore" I said standing up. " You , you fucking slut" I didn't have time to deal with this shit. I punched him. I punched him so hard that he was unconscious. 'Not the first' I thought. His friends got into fighting stances. Delirious and Wildcat were already here telling the boys if they touch me they will rip them to shreds. They all backed off.

H20delirous  (Jonathon) p.o.v.
Why was Y/n on the bleachers. Oh she probably was ditching fourth period. I mean I wouldn't blame the girl, she has her reasons. I saw Matthew trying to hit on my sister. Not again. I hate that kid with my gut. But I know Y/n, she is not that type that falls easily in a boys love trap. From far away I heard Matthew call her a bitch, a whore, a slut. I was walking on my way over there and Tyler behind me. He must've heard. Before we got there I saw that Y/n already knocked out Matthew. I love the fact that my sister is so strong but she can get out of hand. When we made our way over there. Matthew's friends were in fighting stances. "Touch her and we'll rip you to shreds" I said. Me and Tyler got into fighting stances as well to help Y/n.  But before a fight was able to go on the boys backed out. Pussy's . "Thanks but I didn't need your help" said Y/n in a annoyed tone. "Yea like I was going to let them try to hit my sister" I said. "And what's wrong with you?" Asked Wildcat. "*sighs* Sorry it's nothing just that I'm not in a good mood, you know" she said. "It's ok, were glad your even out your room." I said hugging her. "Thank you..... bro" she said.

Psycho (Y/n) p.o.v
"Thank you..... bro"I said slightly punching him. The bell rang signalling us it's time for lunch. "So do you still talk to Evan" I asked getting up. "At times" said Delirious. "Why you guys stop" I asked. "We didnt,  he did but atleast he eats lunch with us, ooo about that are you ok with that" said Wildcat. "Don't worry I didn't even plan eating lunch  with you guys" I said. They looked at me like if I was stupid. "I wanna eat alone don't worry  about it I just dont feel like socialising today " I said reassuring them. They nodded in agreement. We got to the Cafeteria. I got my food and sat at a table. Alone. I saw some of the guys glancing but who cares. I started eating an Apple then Blu came over. "What the fuck do you want " I said clearly annoyed. "I heard you were getting at my boyfriend." She said. "Ha your a funny person, ya know" I said at what she was trying to get at. "Look don't think I didn't see the pictures, you better back the fuck off or it won't end good" she said. "What pictures, and what makes you think I'm going to stop hanging out with him" I said. She took her phone out and showed me the pictures of when Delirious gave me a piggy back ride, and when he hugged me. But who must've took them. "Back the fuck off" she said. "No, I  get to do what I want when I want" I said. "No because I'm his girlfriend and your not, your just a skank." She said. I punched her and she fell on the floor. I got on top of her and punched her several of times. She was out cold and bleeding a lot. I saw Tyler and Evan were holding me back. What the fuck just happened. I lost control that wasn't me fighting her, that was some one else. I got out of their grip and ran. I got in my car and drove to my house. I once again locked my self in my room and I plan on being their for a week or so.

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