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Back at school

Psycho (Y/n) p.o.v.
We were back at the school after our 'date'. It was actually fun, we went to eat since I didn't eat break fast, we walked at the park, then we went to the mall.

Right now all of us are sitting at a lunch table. We were all enjoying our selves, laughing and talking.

"So where were you, I didn't see you in any of the classes," said Valentin.

"I wasn't in school I left somewhere," I said.

"What's your excuse Evan," said Nogla.

"I was with her," he said.

They all stood quite. This silence had a lot of tension.

"So what are you guys," said Y/bff/n.

"What," I said.

"Are you guys like a thing," said Lilly.

I put my head down and had a smile on my face.

"Awe they are," said Liza.

All the girls started squealing, while the boys started laughing. Then we heard a chair screech and a body hit the floor. This caused everyone in the Cafeteria to quiet down.

I looked behind me and saw Evan on the floor and Delirious towering over him. I quickly stood up noticing everyone's eyes on us.

"Are you fucking kidding me," said Delirious.

"Delirious," I said softly.

"After what happened last time you still have the audacity to get at her," he said grabbing Evan's collar.

Some of the other boys got up to help out but I lifted my hand telling them to sit back down.

"Remember you are the reason why she left the last time," he said.

Evan pushed Jonathon off of him and got up.

"No it was your fault she left," said Evan.

Delirious got himself up and they both stood a couple feet apart.

"Quit it," I said standing between them.

I glared at them both and left their tension. As I turned around both of them took this chance to attack. Before Del got to Evan I kicked him on the chest causing him to fly back. I then elbowed Evan in the stomach making him loose his breathe.

This time I was towering over both of them.

"I left because I wanted to, if you want the same shit to happen I'll gladly do it," I said to both of them.

I looked up and looked around and I saw everyone starring at us.

"What," I said making all of them turn around.

I left the cafeteria and went to my car. I decided I'll just ditch school. I left to the safe house instead of my house.

I just want to cool down for today so I plan on gaming. I went to my gaming room that I have in the base. As I signed in to my computer I got a call from my other laptop.

Before I answered the call I did a voice changer so they won't recognize me.

"Hello," I said in a deeper voice.

"Red," said the guy from the other line.

"Whose this," I said.

"It's me Lucas," said the guy from the other line with a cough.

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