Redemptionshipping (Crys x Silver)

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She had always been my rival, I knew that. But there was something about her that I couldn't let go. She sat there underneath the weeping willow with the soft breeze making her hair fall out of her blue pigtails.  I sighed and she lowered her head, we both knew that a storm was coming, and it wouldn't leave without a fight. I held out my hand to her. We nodded in silent agreement that we both needed to leave soon. She took my hand and got up,as we went on our way.

The rain started to pour down upon us. I was fine with my thick coat, but Crys was shivering with only a light jacket on. I decided that her health was more important than mine, since I have been able to endure more, so I took off my coat, revealing the black tank that I had underneath. I put it on her, and her body adapted to it quickly. She thanked me, but she was then concerned about me, so I assured her that I'd be fine. My tank wasn't much, but if it helped Crystal, I would be fine without it. 

We finally stopped at a town where we could get some help. She tried to give me back my coat, but I refused until she would be warm without it. We went into a hotel and rented a room, because there was so much exhaustion between us, we needed rest. We each payed half, even though I wanted to pay for all of it, because Crys refused to even take a room unless she payed for half.

We went into the room to find that we had been scammed, there was only one bed in there, and no couch either! When I realized that Crys and I would have to sleep on the same bed together, a slight blush formed on my cheeks, causing a terrible contrast with my rust-colored hair. As I looked over to Crys, I realized that she was blushing too, coming with the same realization as I had. 

After we had both washed up, I went on the bed, trying to leave room for Crys. She came in beside me, and quickly fell asleep, her head leaning on my shoulder. With her comfort, I quickly fell asleep beside her. I love you Crys. Was all I thought before drifting back into the nightmares of my mind.

----Hi, guys! Thanks for all of the support! I hope you liked this one-shot and If you did, like, follow and leave a comment! I will take requests for the next shot, so leave a comment! Bye!!----

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