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Requested by: Travlynforlife99

Silver x Lyra

Lyra was the adventurous type. She loved the nature, and she always wanted to get out there and do something. Her boyfriend Silver, however, did not like nature. He would always want to stay inside, invite Lyra over for a movie, or something inside. So when it came to dates, well, they didn't have very many, because they respected each other's likes and dislikes.  

Then an opportunity struck Lyra like a thunderbolt. Her friend Yellow was out on a date with Red, leaving Lyra with the option to borrow Yellow's canoe. The only catch was that it was a two-person canoe, meaning that Lyra had to find someone else to go with. Silver. Silver would love this!! Lyra thought to herself, a sly smirk appearing on her face. Lyra would force Silver to see the nature, and hopefully appreciate it. 

When Silver got the text from Lyra, practically demanding that he go canoeing with her, he was left with anything-but-a choice, and had to comply. He packed a bag with snacks, in case either would get hungry, and he brought extra sunscreen after already applying some for his sensitive skin. 

Silver made his way over to the lake that Lyra sent him directions to, and he spotted a tattered canoe next to her. He sighed, hoping that they canoe would hold, because he can't swim. Too bad Lyra didn't know that, but it would be embarrassing, so Silver never told her. 

Lyra calls Silver over to the canoe, and she prepares the boat for leading off, giving Silver an ore to help. Lyra would sit in the back, because she knew how to steer, and Silver was stronger than her, so he was in the front for power. 

The couple set off, enjoying the tranquility of the lake. They made their way around, marveling at the sights of the nature around them. Silver was even amazed himself at how much fun he was having. Lyra giggled in delight - she won!! He did appreciate the nature!!

About two-and-a-half hours in, Silver noticed some water at his feet. 

"Um, Lyra?" He tried to get his girlfriend's attention, 

"Hmm?" She wasn't really paying attention. 

"I think we have a leak..." He drifted off, not wanting to bother her. Lyra ignored him, and the boat slowly, but surely, started to sink. 

You know what else sank? Silver being calm. 

Silver started to panic, not knowing what to do. He couldn't find the source of the leak, and it wasn't until the water was up past their ankles that Lyra noticed the flood. Instinct took over her, and she leaned over to the left side, and ended up tipping the canoe completely upside-down. 

Silver started to sink, failing to flail his arms around and keep him up. The panic was quite the contributor to the mess. Lyra noticed him just as his head bobbed under the water. 

"Silver!!" She called out in fear, rapidly swimming out to him. She took a giant breath and went underwater, forcing her eyes open to find him. She saw his hair first, a shimmering scarlet against the blue hues of the waves. Diving deeper, she grabbed him under his arms, and hauled him up to shore. An adrenaline rush hit her, taking over her, and she started to perform mouth-to-mouth. 

Coughing was heard, and Silver opened his eyes, and looked up at Lyra. He then remembered what had happened and gave her a hug. Both sides of the pair were crying tears of relief. They were safe. 

A/N: Thanks for the request!! I had a lot of fun writing this!! I am working on the other requests right now, too. You all had great requests for me!!

Thanks for the 2.2K views again. 


NOTE: I republished this because I had to change the name "Crys" and "Crystal" to "Lyra" because I was thinking about the manga, rather than the games. Sorry. 

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