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It had been over two years since Ash had gone to Kalos. Cilan missed Ash deeply, and Iris did as well, though she'll never admit it. But the two friends had each other, and have gotten closer-though they don't notice it. They were walking out to the beach on this warm summer day, and they both were looking forward to the event. It was a special event in Unova that consisted of many competitions for trainers, and it was organized and run by their Pokemon. 

The weather was nice, and the aura was relaxing. Iris and Cilan were signing themselves up for a tag-team swimming race. They lined up at the start, the rules being that the first person went out to the rope at the end, and then came back, tagging the person at the start, who had to do the same thing. Iris was going first, partially because she was slower (her hair drags) and also because Cilan was great at coming back from behind. Iris jumped into the water, pumping her arms and legs as fast as she could. She reached the end and spun to get back. Then she came up to the start and Cilan dove fast- ready to make up lost ground. (Or, in this case, water) He finished just barely in second, and they got a silver trophy with a Mantine on it. 

"Great comeback!" Iris said as she hugged her teammate, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Cilan smiled at her action, and hugged her back. The two continued their day, stopping for a quick picnic lunch. They didn't win any more events, but continued to have fun. 

At the end of the day, Iris and Cilan were the only people left at the beach. The sunset was a beautiful pink and orange and made the water sparkle. The two entwined their fingers and Cilan put his arm around the purple-haired girl, and pulled her close. 

"The sunset sure is beautiful." said Iris.

"Not as beautiful as you." Cilan responded, turning to her. As the moon began to shine above them, Iris made the first move and pulled Cilan into a kiss. He, being delightfully surprised, did not kiss her back right away, but when he felt her soft lips, he couldn't resist. The two stood there under the moonlight in there embrace for only Arceus knows how long. They then walked away from the beach, in complete satisfaction of their day. 

---Hi, Everyone! I know it's been a long time, I didn't know who to do next. I hope you don't think the end is too cheesy, I know that it was a pain to write. But I like these two, so I had fun. Please comment on any chapter to request a new one-shot I will do ANY SHIP! Well, until next time, bye! ~~<3---

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