Chapter 1

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"Coming Mr. Jackson!" A housemaid calls from the next rooms. She

hurries into the bedroom for her long time employer Mr. Michael

Jackson. Her name is Zeletha Bryant. She's worked for the Jackson

family since Master Michael was only eight years old. Zelitha and

the family's long time butler Sir James Roberts are the two longest

employees and caregivers for Michael. When Michael's parents were

killed in their carriage accident seven years ago, Michael was left

alone. He wasn't even fourteen yet. Now Michael's twenty one years

old and dying from a disease called Cancer. His beautiful fiance

at his side. They were to be married three months back but with

Michael becoming so ill, their wedding plans were ruined. Still,

Eva Marie Falstein stayed by Michael's side just the same.

"Yes Mr. Jackson? Are you alright?" "Mama Zelitha please...Cough...

cough...don't call me Mr. Jackson. I'm just

plain...cough...Michael to you." "I know sweet Michael. But it's

out of respect for you and your family. You've been so good to

me all these years. It's only right." "Maybe it is...cough but

you raised me after my parents were gone, and have been by my

side every day since. That's earned you the right to call me

Michael. I love....cough...I love you." "And I love you too."

Zeletha bends down and kisses Michael's forehead lovingly as a

mother would do. Brushing his hair back. "What can I get for

you?" "Can I have more chocolate pudding?" He asks. "Cough...

cough. It's the only thing I seem to be able to hold down lately.

Cough...Cough...." "You're not able to stomach the chicken broth

anymore?" Zeletha frowned.

The door opens to Michael's room. Sir James Roberts the butler

walks in. "Hello Master Michael. How are you this morning?" "Not

go....cough....good..." Zeletha looks at James. He said he hasn't

been able to stomach the chicken broth anymore. Did you know this

James?" "I did last night he mentioned it. You'd already turned

in for the night and Eva Marie and he were talking so I didn't

want to press it. Chocolate pudding seems to sooth his throat and

coat it so his coughing spells aren't so violent." "Oh dear! Oh

my! Michael my dear son, I wish you had said so. I don't think

we have anymore. I will have to go into the village and get some

then I'll make some too so you shall have plenty. Would you like

to try strawberry milkshakes maybe get so real food and nutrition

into your system?" "Cough...cough....uh

ple.....ase..." Michael says through a strained voice trying not

to cough again. Each coughing spell leaves his body that much

weaker. The doctors told them that he's only got three months at

most left. The cancer has totally consumed his body on the inside

leaving no organ untouched in some way. Michael's in pain all the

time and it's only a matter of time before his heart and lungs

completely give way and succumb to this horrible cancer. "I'll

go at once Michael. Is Eva Marie coming today?"

Michael turns his head away to hide his eyes. A single tear

falls. Michael's silence was pallable. "Michael?" James inquired

lightly. Still no reply. "Oh Michael baby. I'm so sorry. Why?"

Zeletha walks back over to Michael's bedside and kisses his

cheek lovingly. Caresses it gently as a real mother would do

when trying to comfort her childs wounded heart. "Sss...hhh...

eee...she....I asked....cough....cough...her not to come....

cough...I can't have her see me literally....cough...cough...

in front of her eyes....cough. I want her to remember the man

I once was. Not this grotesque shell of a human being. I know

my time is short and to have her sit and watch me waste away worse than death itself. Cough....cough.."

"We're truly sorry Master Michael." James said. "Don't be you

both have been a blessing to me, to us and I know it. I'll never

forget it." Michael started to cough badly. James motioned for

Zeletha to go on to the village and he'd take care of Michael

while she was away.

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