Chapter 4

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Her mother knocks lightly upon her daughters door. "Eva

honey. I know it's hard. The constable is still looking

for Michael's body but there is no sign of it and there

is no one to even question for the disappearance." She

said worriedly as she caressed her beautiful daughters

hair. Eva continued to sob. "What about that strange Dr.

Frankenstein? He's always experimenting and he's so odd!"

The constable has questioned him several times on the

other disappearances and every time he's had an alibi or

there wasn't any evidence to suggest he's even remotely

involved. Being odd doesn't make you a body snatcher."

She replied. Eva sobbed. "Then where is Michael!! He

couldn't get dig his way out of the grave and walk away!"


Zeletha and Sir James Roberts continued to care for the

home even with Michael gone. Michael left them the manor

home and ten million Marks which equated to a million

English pounds and the new world of the America's. They

would never have to work again and could go anywhere in

the world but their love for Michael kept them at home

where they could feel Michael's spirit. He was everywhere

in that big manor home so it was a comfort for them.

Both were extremely sad and could not bring themselves

to even smile a little bit unless they were looking at

the paintings of their beloved Michael.

"Igor! Get me the saw and sutchers. I need the scalpel

too. Let's get my creation built. A storm is coming

and the lightning will be perfect to give my creature

life!" Doctor Frankenstein cackled wildly. "Master..

do you think it will work Master?" "Wha..." Doctor

frankenstein looks at Igor with a maniacal gleem.

"Will it work? Will it work you ask!?" Doctor Frank-

enstein picked up some of the tools for the surgery

and threw them across the laboratory to crash upon

the far wall. Igor was a bit rattled and stepped back

in fear. "It will work as long as you do as I tell

you!" Doctor Frankenstein reached out faster than a

bolt of lightning and grabbed Igor throwing him too

across the laboratory room.


I JUS......


Igor laid on the floor in a heap of twisted body.

He was breathing heavily. Part from fear and part

from being hurt when he was thrown against the wall.

Igor thought to himself, if he had somewhere else

to go he'd leave. Being beat everytime the doctor

was in one of his moods was not how he wanted to

live, but his own grotegue deformaties kept him

from being able to leave and not be chased by the

locals or an outcast forced to live in the shadows

and trees of the hills and not a somewhat warm

castle with his own room and food. A bed as meager

as it was it was still his and not the cold floor

of the woods that surrounded the hill that the castle

sat upon. Some choice. BAH!!

Igor got up off the floor after a few minutes and

returned to his master's side. Together they began

to dissect the other corpses and take the organs

and parts of the body that were needed. Doctor Frank-

enstein worked painlessly to reconnect nerves and

tissues. Organs and muscles. The newest body had

been ravaged by disease but was still the best vessel

to use for his experiment. Sewing the hands on to

the arms and torso. "Igor. Pull the nerve ending in

the brain. I need to see that the nerves in the fingers

will work so his hands have mobility." "Yes Master!"

Igor did as he was instructed.

It worked. Next the doctor made sure the feet worked.

"Hand me the new heart for my creation." "Yes master!"



A heavy thunder and lightning storm had moved in. The

winds were heavy and it was echoing through Castle

Frankenstein. This made the Doctor even more determined

to get his creation ready. "Faster Igor. I don't want

to miss this storm." "I'm going as fast as I can master!"

"Well, hurry up!" 

MJ Fantasy Another Part Of Me: A Frankenstein Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now