Chapter 17

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Both Michael and Eva couldn't stop thinking of the other. The

feelings that once were, were still there. There as strong as

they were back then so long ago. Eva has finally realized that

Ralph wasn't coming back. This hurt her deeply because they had

four children together but she had to do what was best for the

children and move on. Keep the children happy and safe. Provide

for them the best way she could. Michael came to the yard and

wanted to see Hannah but also hoped to see Eva. He just couldn't

bring himself to the open yet. Hannah stayed in the yard because

school had begun. She'd been doing her school work and playing

with her friends from school. Eva watched the woods. Michael

had started with the flowers again. Eva couldn't see him but

knew he was there. She could feel him. Just like she could when

they were young.

This went on for a week. Knowing Michael was there was sort of

comforting now. She no longer feared him. Eva just was nervous.

He didn't look the same and feared the creature because of that

mad Frankenstein.

One night when the children had settled down for the night

and gone to bed. Eva took a shawl and walked out into the

woods. The nights were getting colder and winter would soon

be upon them. Michael could feel Eva Marie. He smelled her

perfume on the wind of the night air. Walking towards it.

"Michael." Eva Marie whispered. "Yes?" Michael replied softly.

"H...How?" "I..I don't know. One moment I feel my life slipping

away and the next...." "You're this creature." "Yeah." Michael

looked down. "I...I don't understand. I thought you died. I

fell in love and married. But now, he...he's gone too.

how..." "I wish I knew. I just know I never stopped loving you

Eva. I'm sorry I sent you away but I couldn't bare the thought

of you watching me die like that. It hurt so bad." "Michael

I love you so. I guess I always have deep down but..." "I know.

I know. I wanted that for you!" "Now? What do we do?" "I don't

know. I just know I love you and don't want to lose you. Lose

Hannah. She seen in me...she seen the man I once was behind

this disgusting grotesgue shell." "I was scared at first but

now. No. I'm not." "You're not?" "'m not." Eva reached

to touch Michael's face. Michael pulled back a bit. "Please..."

It was barely a whisper.

Michael stood still. His eyes closed. Eva touched his cheek.

She caressed it tenderly. "Michael. Look at me." Michael opens

his eyes again. Stepping forward, Eva kisses Michael.


"EVA...I....You...." "I want to." "But...." Eva kisses Michael

again. This time, Michael responded. It was a tentative kiss

but still a shared kiss.


Michael and Eva had secretly met in the woods at night long after

the children were asleep. Hannah came to play with him but not

every day anymore. She had school friends too. Michael was okay

with that because he wanted Hannah to be so happy and she'd always

hold a place in his heart. Michael loved Hannah as if she were his

own and loving someone sometimes meant letting them go too. Michael

thought he needed to do this for Eva too and was trying to work up

the courage to say so. He just wanted a little more time with her

then he could go. Go and be happy, knowing Eva loved him still and

would be happy and free to find love again.

ONE DAY.....

"HEY WHERE IS EVERYONE!! DADDY'S HOME!!" A voice boomed through

the living area of the large home. The children came into the

room. Eva came into the room from the kitchen.


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