Chapter 12

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But still, in Eva Marie's secret heart of hearts, she longed

for this dream to be true. To know that Michael lived and

still loved her so. That maybe one day, he'd return to her.

Sweep her off her feet and love her like he used to do. Blinking

back the tears quickly so her children could not see them and

wonder why she was so upset. This was something that was best

kept locked away inside her heart. Never to see the light of

day again. Rushing around the house she got her children ready

for the day. Made sure little Samson had his breakfast, diaper

changed and ready for the nanny. Soon Eva Marie thought she'd

have to let the nanny go. Her teaching salary wasn't enough

to keep up the demands of running such a big house and having

a nanny too. "Come on everyone! We must leave! We'll be late

if we don't! Today's going to be a long day because of our

new lessons we'll be learning! Hannah come on sweet girl!"

"Coming mommy! My hair ribbon won't stay in!" "I'll fix it

when we get to school. Come on now okay!?" "Yes mommy!" Hannah

came jumping down the stairs as fast as she could. The family

hurried off to school. Michael stayed in the shadows and was

mindful to keep from sight but yet kept a good eye on Hannah

and her siblings.

But then, he seen Eva. REALLY seen Eva and his heart just

did the wildest things in his chest. Michael realized the

love that once was, is still so strong and very much alive.

Alive as if it were just this morning that he and Eva Marie

had made love. They weren't supposed to but he couldn't help

it. Michael wanted to keep her virture but she too was so

heated, they let their passion drive them. It was just that

one time but still. The memory of Eva Marie in his arms that

way. Her soft skin next to his. Their bodies enfolded as one.

Michael burned for her now. Burned hot to be within her once

more. Tears filled his eyes. "I'm sorry my love." Michael

murmured and fell back into the cover of the heavy woods

until the children returned home that afternoon from their


School was out for the day. Eva Marie had a hard time

staying focused on her lesson plan. The flowers that

morning got her mind all in a jumbled mess. A longing

she can't allow, yet still the seeds were there and it

was burning, growing. To give way could be dangerous.

Especially to a married woman and school teacher. Every-

one in town knew Ralph and knew they were married. But

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