part nine/ a mistake.

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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Annie knew she had screwed up before; she's done a lot of regrettable things. Many, many things.
But this?
This took the cake by FAR. Annie was writing about Noppy in an almost brand new notebook- to symbolize the newness of her feelings, she supposed.
Annie was leisurely sipping scalding coffee with a strong flavor that's grown to be weak to her while writing, chewing on the end of her pencil. She checked the time on her phone and screamed: she was super-fucking-late-to-a-class-she-was-failing. shitshitshit.
In a hurry, Annie dashed out the door, swearing as she did, never once looking back.

Milla was tired. She'd worked for a solid three hours today after lunch and four hours before. She was ready to go home.
When Milla spotted a leather bound notebook on a table, the exhausted barista picked it up and handed it to Noppy. "Take this." With an unintentionally forceful shove, Noppy took the book and Milla left, nearly tripping on her stupid tall-soled shoes.

Noppy liked to see what things where before she put them in the lost and found or just tossed it. Flipping through, Noppy read the pages. They were blank except for a word or two every seven or so pages. An odd use of a notebook; there was very little written in it and what was was scattered about in what didn't look like a cohesive pattern.
Then, something caught Noppy's eye. It was a page covered in neat writing, line after line.
Reading it, Noppy caught her breath in her throat.

holy shit.

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