Part Seven/ coffee's not supposed to be so complicated

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Noppy said she would wait until she turned 28 to become a murderer. But  ooooweee, was she willing to make an exception.
Milla was going down.
Underneath her cute-as-a-gotdamb-cupcake exterior, Milla was actually a demon who swore more than Heab. And from what Noppy could tell, Heab's favorite words where  scrupulous  (the irony of it, and fun to say. ) and Fuck ( evidently, also fun to say.)

Here's what happened, Noppy recalled, teeth seething.
Milla made me kiss Annie.
Annie had waltzed in as usual, tired and stressed and hungry. She perked up when she saw her favorite barista, Noppy. Annie's mouth (what a nice mouth... she had all the right teeth) cracked open into a wide smile as she ordered. A fancier coffee than usual, the total came to about $6.70. Noppy heard the (beautifully) disheveled customer mutter a quiet string of swears as she dug around looking for an extra quarter.
Popping out of seemingly nowhere (how the hell did she do that?) Milla appeared at the counter. She would've popped a gum bubble if she was chewing any, if that gives any indication of her sly plan. In a sweet yet lazy voice, Milla grinned. "Let me... propose a deal." Milla's eyebrow raised and she twirled some platinum hair around her finger.
"Kiss Noppy, for five seconds or more, and your drink is on me." Annie nearly screamed.
How the hell would I do that without instantly dying??
"Three... two.. one..." I can remember Milla counting down the seconds till the kiss. It should've felt like the end of my life but what it really was was the beginning of the life I wanted.
"Well fuck, this is awkward..." The two girls avoided each other's gaze, scared to burst out laughing or blush a color you shouldn't after "platonically" kissing your best friend. Milla just laughed, a normally pleasant if not neutral sound, that only further deepened Noppy's desire to completely annihilate the binch off the earth for good.

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