Chapter 11

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Delirious POV:}

Once Vanoss and I got back in I had an idea."Hey Vanoss can you still change into an Owl?" "Well I am not sure.Like I'm not half animal.Something might go wrong quickly." "Can you a least try?"Vanoss need space to become an Owl which he took our room.Once he had enough room he became an Owl but he fell down."Evan are you alright?"He looked at me with tears.He was crying but he covered his stomach."Something wrong with the baby?"Evan's claws went deep into my arm which I haven't been cutting myself at all since Vanoss lived with me.I didn't know what to do which the others can't find out about Vanoss becoming an Owl.Why do I always do stupid things!UUUUGGGG!!!!I need Cartoonz right now.

Marcel POV:}

Delirious and Vanoss still haven't come down yet."Are they in their room" "Maybe.Do you want to check it out?" "Okay than.But which one is Delirious's room." "Oh they are upstairs in the 2nd door."Cartoonz said as I walked upstairs and Nogla wanted to come along.Once we came upstairs.There were 6 doors and man!How many does-"J-Jon...I-I"I heard panting which I am not sure if its good or not.I saw the 2nd door which I knocked."Evan!Delirious!Are you guys-" "Marcel!We need Luke right now and Hurry!"He sound worried which I went downstairs which Luke was drinking a beer."Hey Cartoonz.Delirious and Vanoss needs you right now?" "For what?" "I don't know but they are in a rush so-" "Oh no!"Cartoonz said as he rush upstairs."Thank you Marcel!"He said before knocking in the door was let in.What the fuck!How come Cartoonz gets to go in but not us!They are bitch-"A-Ah!I-It hurts!"I quickly went downstairs with Nogla and face palm on the pillow.What are they doing to Vanoss!

×2 hours later×

Lui POV:}

They are taking so long until Cartoonz and Delirious came back but no Evan."Where is Vanoss?!He nevee showed up at all!" "He's resting.Evan had problems so I needs rest." "What kind of problem.Also how did you fix it." "Well Luke is a doctors so thank god for that!"Delirious said as he patted Cartoonz shoulder."Anyway Jon.Why did you guys take so long."His face became red and he started giggling alittle."Well....Good news.I'm going to be a dad?Hehe...."Once I heard Delirious said that I started fan gilring."SO YOUR-"Everyone shush me."So your going out with Vanoss?" "Well...I still don't know because he's moody about how he feeling.He doesn't make up his mind...." "But how?How do you handle it?Your always here with Evan so why-" "He always reminds me of that day when Tyler and Him were in love.He keeps talking about it so he still loves Tyler."Delirious and than he sat down."Lets just hangout while you can could stay for the night or whatever.I don"t fucking care at all."Delirious said and we all started playing video games without Vanoss.


Someone sounds angry at Vanoss for no reason...

Someone sounds angry at Vanoss for no reason

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