I know you ✔

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Jungkook woke up feeling extremely nauseous. He woke up, rushed to the washroom and vomited as soon as he reached the toilet seat. He was exhausted. He called Siri and told her that he couldn't make it to class today since he wasn't feeling well. He even lied and told her that he had a fever and that he was at his mom's house so she wouldn't have to worry.

And later that morning, since he felt better he decided to walk to his mom's house.

He knocked on the door and a boy he didn't know opened it. The boy was wearing a baby-blue long sleeved shirt with some black pants to go along with it. His brown hair looked soft and his eyes were tantalizing. He also smelled really good. Jungkook felt like he was being hypnotized just by the smell of the boy in front of him. He also looked really shocked for some reason.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked looking into the boy's eyes.

"I know you." The boy blurted out, smirking after realising that Jungkook wasn't moving. 

Jungkook blinked his eyes... He felt like he wanted to bury his face into the boy's neck, just to take a whiff of the boy's scent. Jungkook gulped, realising where his brain was. "Where is my mom?" He asked.

"Inside, baby." the boy replied, cocking his head and waiting for jungkook's reaction. Jungkook furrowed his brows. "Don't call me baby." He said and pushed the guy. He then walked inside  his mother's house.

"Tae. Who's there- Oh my baby is here. Let your mom give you a hug and kiss." Mrs. Jeon said and hugged her son, kissing his cheeks.

"Mrs. Jeon?" The boy named Tae said.

"Can I kiss your son too? I bet he smells like sweet vanilla." Mrs. Jeon widened her eyes.

"How do you know that Taehyung? You really are good at this." Mrs. Jeon commented. "Of course you --"

"Mom!" Jungkook whined. "Who is he?" Jungkook asked irritaded at the guy in front of him.

"He is an intern at your dad's hospital. He's here to give me a check up." Mrs. Jeon explained.

"Kim Taehyung, this is my one and only son, Jeon Jungkook." Mrs. Jeon introduced Taehyung to Jungkook as said male took a seat on the sofa. "Jungkook, call him hyung, he's older than you." Mrs, Jeon said. "Wait for me here, I need to get something in the kitchen. Make yourself comfortable Tae." saying this Mrs. Jeon went back to the kitchen.

"How about calling me daddy?" Taehyung said smiling to the younger.

"Sorry, but you can't make me use that kink. I'm as straight-." Jungkook said and rolled his eyes.

"Pffft..." Taehyung trying to stop his laugh.

"Don't you 'pfft' me. Do I look like I'm a bott- I mean...does it look like I'm gay to you?  Maybe you're a good looking doctor, with a good smell, but sorry I'm straight as fudge." He said and walked to his room, leaving Taehyung with a smile.

As soon as he entered his room, he sighed. The smell of Taehyung still lingering in his nose. He loved it, but at the same time it irritated him. he wondered what clogne he used...He shook his head trying to remove that thought...

[YourBoiBem] created a group chat

Hey Kookie! I know who the guy that  stole your V card is.

I'm not in the mood you bish!


Jungkook how are you? Did your morning sickness fade away?

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