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Taehyung put the grocery bags in the table. He's been trying his best to act so Jungkook would noticed that he knows everything already.

Taehyung is secretly staring, and admiring the younger in front of him he even pictured they soon to be son or daughter.

He wondered why Jungkook is quiet on their way home and when they go inside. Taehyung thought that maybe it is part of the pregnancy because of his hormones.

"Taehyung--hyung." Jungkook break the silence between them and Taehyung feels like he need to tease the younger because he called him hyung for the first time.b

"Aww my baby is calling me hyung now." Taehyung said smiling

"Are you trying to open up?"

"I'm-- I'm Pregnant." Taehyung changed his expression.

Jungkook bit his lower lips.

"Okay. I'm not saying this because I need you-- i mean our -- no my baby needs you. I confessed that I'm pregnant is just for you to know." Jungkook said and massaged his nape.

"I don't need the financial thingy. Because I can support him/her we don't need your -- I mean she/he don't need your money. I can sustain him finacially, emotionally and morally." Jungkook said straight and sighed deeply.

Taehyung looked at the younger, his thoughts are flying, would he kiss the younger so he can shut his mouth? Should he say directly that he knows everything everyone around him in this house knows it.

"You don't have to look at me in that way i don't need your sympathy. I told you --" Taehyung can't control his happiness i mean happy hormones? He shut Jungkook's mouth using his mouth. He kissed the younger, Taehyung was ready to hear Jungkook's yell but this time Jungkook didn't pushed him nor yelled at him. The younger respond to his kiss. (a/n: I would like to say that perfect by ed sheeran was playing so this scene happened lols. Thanks ed oppa. LOLS) Jungkook wrapped his hands to Taehyung's neck. Taehyung smirked with the younger's action, Taehyung snake his hands to Jungkooks waist to support him and the other one is snaking inside Jungkook's shirt. The kiss was not that "heated" it was a passionate kiss.

Taehyung broke the not so heated kiss.

Jungkook blinked his eyes.

Taehyung could see how red the younger's cheeks is.

"I -- hm... Sorry!" Jungkook said covering his face.

"You don't have to baby." Taehyung removed Jungkook's hands that covering his red cheeks.

"I know that you're pregnant." Jungkook looked at Taehyung.


Taehyung hold the youngers face and touch his forehead to Jungkook's forehead (forehead to forehead.)

"I'm a doctor so I know it." Taehyung said a closed the gap between them.

Taehyung can't stop himself but to kissed the younger again.

Jungkook wanted to push Taehyung but he can't. His mind telling him to push him, to punch him because he is kissing him to passionate that he can't resist and he end up responding to his kiss. Taehyung's left hand was supporting Jungkook's back while his other hand is doing some ninja moves inside Jungkook's shirt.

Taehyung lead the way to the guest room without breaking the kiss they even step on the stairs. (A/n: it's a skills! RESPEKT!)

As soon as they came inside the room Taehyung closed the door. Taehyung carefully put Jungkook to the bed still without breaking the kiss. (A/n: respekt!) Taehyung left Jungkook's lips and goes down to jungkook's chin and neck. He put another kiss mark slash love bite there that makes Jungkook moaned.

I'M PREGNANT (TAEKOOK) Where stories live. Discover now