The Past (TH's POV) pt. 2

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When Taehyung collapsed last night, Taehyung knows it already that his baby bunbun is pregnant. His baby bunbun is sleeping soundly at his side but suddenly Jungkook stood up and run to the bathroom. Taehyung patted his back, he is now sure like 100% sure that he is pregnant.

So as usual he teased the younger, that makes him walk outside the room.

He and Siri have contact with each other, as soon as Siri met him. Siri knows that Taehyung is the right guy for his best friend.

Taehyung followed Jungkook, of course he is should be there even though he was hiding to him. He is holding a newspaper to act as if he was busily reading on it. But the real thing is he is just staring the younger from a distance. He really looks cute pouting and blabbing some words he suddenly wonder what is he doing.

Jimin and Siri came inside the cafe they just rest for awhile the left the cafe. Taehyung followed the 3 of them.

He waited there for two hours when the 3 left the hospital he knocked on the door. He opened it and saw that it was Jin, his sunbae in hi medical school.

"Heol what bring you here Tae? It's been awhile." Jin said shaking his hands with Taehyung.

"Sunbae. Jeon Jungkook was your patient?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah he is. Why?"

"Is he pregnant?" Jin looked at him.

"It's my patient's privacy Tae I'm sorry." Jin said.

"Hyung just this one... please. I think I'm the father of the baby... well I know I'm. And I'm 100% sure that he is pregnant because he have the symptoms." Taehyung explained.

"You know it already so... what do you --" Taehyung hugged him.

"Oh my!"

He came back to Jungkook's house but he was not there. His parents are not around too because they're busy on their 25th anniversary. He wondered where did the younger go... He suddenly became paranoid what if Jungkook decided to abort the baby inside him.

"I need to find him." But he don't knwo where to start so he decided to trust Jungkook.

Time passes it's getting late yet Jungkook is still not around, he decided to look for him.

When he came out he saw Jungkook walking slowly, he run to him and hugged him tightly. He is really worried that Jungkook did something stupid. But as he thought his baby bunbun is smart.

Jungkook's parents know everything already of course even Taehyung well they'll know it. It's just Jungkook is in the denial state. And today is Jungkook's 2nd month of pregnancy...

Taehyung received a message from Siri that Jungkook almost fell in the stairs today. Good thing is Jungkook hold the rails...

Taehyung is busy today he didn't notice the time it's already late. He is about to call Jungkook but he saw the time. Maybe he is sleeping already...

When he came home, he is right. He smiled at the perfect view. Jungkook is sleeping in the carpet like a baby. He walked in the kitchen to see if he ate already, good thing is they did already. He saw a food in the Tupperware and a sticky note. He smile and tasted the food, it taste really good.

He walked back in the Living room and carried Jungkook in the guest room. He talked to their baby asking be good to his dad. He kissed his small baby bump and kissed Jungkook's forehead. But seeing Jungkook's lips slightly apart is very tempting so he kissed Jungkook's lips down to his jaw and neck. He even marked him, before sleeping next to him.

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