What's the plan now? ✔

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Siri and Jimin were over by Jungkook's apartment. Siri was currently peeling some apples for Jungkook.

"Wait." Jimin paused.

"Who's the father? I mean it was your first time so there could only be one guy for this." Jimin said with his hands resting on his hips.

"Who is he?"

"Aishhh. I already told you this Jimin, the dad's Kim Taehyung." Siri scolded and Jimin shrugged.

"So Jungkook, when are you going to tell him?" Jimin said staring at the suddenly quiet boy.

Jungkook hadn't thought about telling Taehyung he was pregnant. Sure he knew the older wasn't straight, but how would the older react to the news? He didin't know. He bit his lower lip. How would he tell him?

"I don't know yet. I'm planning on keeping it to myself for now, but I'll tell my mom and dad soon." Jungkook said.

"They're the only one's who can understand me clearly, other than you two, but since their both doctors..." Jungkook trailed off.

Come to think of it, Jungkook was really lucky to have people around him that supported and encouraged him to keep his baby.

"What about school?" Siri asked.

"I'll keep going for the most part, but i'll stop attending once my bump is actually noticable. I don't want to be the headline of the school."Jungkook said chuckling.

"You don't have to worry about that, we'll protect you." Siri told him.

"Aww I appreciate it." Jungkook smiled.

He was trying his best to keep his nerves to the side. How would his parents react? Most importantly, how would Taehyung react when he told the older he was expecting his child. He didin't know and his anxiety was over the rough.

"We'll be going now." Siri said.

"Take care of our soon to be niece or nephew." Jimin said.

"I know. Byeee." Jungkook said and waved them goodbye.

He turned around and and watched as Mila stared out into the distance while she swung on the swing slowly, only the creaking of the swing being heard.

"Hi Noona." Jungkook greeted her.

"Hey Kook." She said and looked over to the younger, munching on a piece of dried mango.

"You're eating dried mangoes again I see." Jungkook said and sat on the swing adjacent to her.

Jungkook thought about asking Mila for advice, he really needed some at the moment.

"Noona? How did you feel when you discovered you were pregnant?"

"At first I was really nervous since it was just a one night stand, but after some time I began to accept my baby and now I think of it as a miracle, it's a blessing to have him or her. " Mila answered as she caressed her baby bump.

"Why are you asking?" Mila asked.

"Just because, haha." Jungkook said trying to fake a laugh, but Mila could see right through him.

I'M PREGNANT (TAEKOOK) Where stories live. Discover now