I'm here always

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Jungkook is already 6 months pregnant, his tummy is bigger than the usual size of it because the baby is forming more. He also gain weight... He is looking himself in the mirror.

"I look like a bunny pig right now." He talked to himself. Jungkook shakes his head...

"Hey baby." Taehyung said hugging his boyfriend from the back.

"Do I look like a bunny pig?" Jungkook asked pouting.

"Of course you're not." Taehyung said and kissed his cheeks.

"Are you ready for your check up?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah." Jungkook said, he is wearing a black jogging pants and a black shirt too.

When they came in Jin greeted them smiling.

"I'm happy to see that the two of you our getting stronger." Jin said.

"Hyung hows Yoongi hyung and Yoonji?" Jungkook asked.

"They're doing good, Yoongi is still taking his rest." Jin said.

"Come here let's start the check up." He said smiling to the two younger.

Taehyung looked at his boyfriend who looks like nervous. He smiled and held the younger's hands. (A/n: sorry if I made you all confuse with the typo. But I fixed it. You didn't miss anything it's just I am stupid sorry.)

"Everything would be fine." Taehyung said smiling.

Jungkook nodded and walk inside the other room with Jin.

Taehyung sat on the sofa, he opened his social media and searched Jungkook's every sns account. He saw that the younger has been receiving so much hates from his school mates and some of Taehyung's fans.

Every night Taehyung would heard the younger crying, and if he ask him he only answered nothing all he can do is hug him to make him feel safe.

The good thing about this is no one still knows about his pregnancy.

"Jin Hyung tell me the results here." Jungkook said pulling down his shirt.

"Eh? Isn't Taehyung should hear this?" Jin asked.

"No hyung. I know, I'm not good today. I mean the results are not good." Jungkook said lowering his head.

"You're right."

"What happened?"

"I've been thinking so much hyung, I sometimes don't sleep and found myself crying because of hates i received. I'm afraid that my baby would get bullied when he grew up."

"Listen to me Jungkook." Jin said.

"Your boyfriend should know your anxiety, he should so he can help you." Jin said.

"It's not because you're overreacting with this. It's because you'll be parents sooner or later. This is part of being a parent, when you were single... You only have to think about yourself. But now it's totally different... You're not thinking just for yourself but because of your soon to be son. And I'm so proud of you cause you're maturing..." Jin said...

"But you don't have to worry the baby is fine... But you should stop stressing yourself." Jin said.

They came back home, Jungkook is staying at Taehyung's house now. He is staying with him, his mom and dad visits him every weekend. Sometimes he stay over at his parents house.

"Hyung?" Jungkook called him. They were seating in the sofa.

"Yes baby?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook layed at his lap. Taehyung started stroking Jungkook's soft hair.

I'M PREGNANT (TAEKOOK) Where stories live. Discover now