19: Tease

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The snow seems to be going stronger every minute. The air inside the room seems to be getting colder too. But in contrary to the freezing weather, she can feel her temperature rising. She wanted to look like she was alright, yet she was sneezing and coughing uncontrollably.

'I must go home first before this gets worse. I will bother Kudo-kun again.' she thought as she attempted to stand up, and head to the door.

She closed her eyes for a second and stopped as her head starts to spin a little.

'Oh gods, not now please. Let me go home first.' She pleaded mentally as she attempted to take a step only to find herself losing balance. She can feel herself falling. She shut her eyes close as she anticipated to hit the cold floor but it never came.

"I said you wait for me here. Where do you think you're going with that condition?"

She heard the serious voice of Conan as she felt strong hands supporting her. She quickly opened her eyes, only to be greeted by his intense cerulean orbs. Their face are just few inches apart. The temperature in the room seems to become higher as they stared at each other. Each seems to be caught up in the moment.

Then it was as if it has a mind on its own, Conan's face seems to move nearer to her face. Haibara gasped as she realized the distance between them. Conan doesn't seem to realize the sudden proximity towards them though.

"Haibara..." she heard him whisper. She unconsciously closed her eyes as she anticipated. She can feel him drawing closer and closer, and his hold on her tightened. After a moment, she felt him knock their foreheads together. She shut her eyes open.

"You're hot." Conan stated, still their faces just centimeters apart. Haibara was afraid that if she moves just a little, they will kiss. She can feel his breath fanning on her face. It was intoxicating. The closeness between them seems to make her mind go haywire in addition to the fever she was feeling. She was not even sure if the sudden rise of temperature was due to her cold or to the detective.

After a while, Conan took a step back, but he was still holding her. He guided her to the couch. Weakly, she took a seat. Conan sat beside her. He was looking at her, while she was awkwardly avoiding his gaze.

"Will you stop staring?" she asked coldly so as too mask her embarrassment.

Conan seems to realize what he had been doing. He faked a cough. "R-right." He waited for a second of silence before he continued, "Where are you going earlier?"

This time, Haibara met his gaze with fake confidence. "I'm going back to the professor's."

"In this weather?! Ha! No way." Conan countered.

"Why not?" she asked. She was starting to feel dizzy again. She blinked her eyes several times to wash the feeling away.

Conan flicked her forehead. "'Cause you are sick, you silly woman. Don't be stubborn."

"It's just several meters away. Besides, Hakase will search for me."

Conan's lips curved upwards. "Hakase just went to a conference. There's no one there."

"All the more reason for me to go home then, no one will watch the house." She added, still not giving up.

"The house doesn't need to be watched. You're the one who needs watching, and I'll be your watcher." He said, his voice indicating utmost finality.

Haibara was about to protest when he glared and cut her, "No buts, Haibara. You're staying here with me."


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