26: Bewitched

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Day 16.
2 hours before the ball

Conan was restless. He was pacing back and forth in his living room. He attempted to speak to Haibara again but she did not even appear to him no matter how much he called. He was getting a bad feeling similar to what he had felt when she attempted killing herself.

His mind went back to the past.

"Give me a month Haibara. Give me a month and I'll give you a reason to not end your life. If I can't find you a reason by then, you can choose what you wanted to do. If you really wanted to die, then I'll let you. Do we have a deal?"

"Kudo-kun... what the hell are you saying?" she asked disbelievingly.

"Do we have a deal?" he repeated, ignoring her.

Haibara paused for a moment before looking at his eyes and answering, "Deal."

He massaged his temples. His head is starting to hurt. ‘I thought she had overcome it. She still wanted to do it. Gods, why am I so stupid?’

He counted the days in his head. It was already half a month from their deal yet he still hadn’t done properly of his part in the deal. ‘She’s still hurting. She was drowning in her own bad thoughts and here I am, thinking everything was already alright.’ He wanted to kick himself for being so oblivious.

I need to do something.’

But what can he do?


Teitan High School.

Conan was wearing a black tuxedo, matched with black pants and gray tie. He was enticingly appealing, and every girl was checking him out as he passed on the hallways. But as always, he was oblivious of all the attention. He looked at his watch. Fifteen minutes more before the ball formally starts. He looks around, and ran his fingers smoothly on his hair. Everyone seems to be absorbed in their own world.

He was reluctant in going, but he knew that Haibara will kill him if he had left Ayumi out in the cold. Besides, he was worried about the scientist. She may look and sound tough, but she’s really vulnerable inside.

He walked inside the event hall and looked for Ayumi. Ungentleman as it may seem, he forgot to offer to pick Ayumi up at her house. He knew he was being a jerk, but all he ever thinks of was Haibara. As soon as he step afoot, he saw Ayumi waved at him, she was sitting at the table with Genta and some other classmates. He subtly noted that Mitsuhiko and Haibara was still nowhere in sight. He frowned but changed it quickly before he showed a reluctant smile to Ayumi. Genta just grinned at him as he was busy eating cupcakes served on their table.

“Hey…” he started as he sits down. “Sorry I didn’t pick you up, something just came up.” He stated as he looks at Ayumi apologetically.

“No worries, Conan-kun. Mom dropped me off earlier here, and Genta keep me company.” She answered.

He nodded before he simply gazed at the empty seats intended for the missing two. “Haibara and Mitsuhiko still aren’t around?”

“Yeah. Caught in traffic maybe. Mitsuhiko was so excited earlier in picking up Haibara. Seriously man, that boy is smitten!” Genta chimed in before he continued eating. “Woah, the food here is great!”

Ayumi giggled. “What’s wrong with that Genta? It’s cute! Right, Conan-kun?” she turned expectantly at him.

He nods reluctantly as an answer. Somehow, their conversation is starting to annoy him. Why do they have to talk about Haibara with Mitsuhiko?

Wait…why is he so annoyed?

He looked at his watch again. A minute left before the program starts yet they still haven’t shown up. ‘What is taking them so long?’

It took Conan a lot of willpower to stay on his seat and not look for them.


Twenty minutes has passed since the program started, yet the two still isn’t around. Conan was getting anxious. If not for Ayumi, he might have gone several minutes ago.

They were dancing to the beat at the moment. Ayumi was talking with him, but his mind is only half-processing whatever she was saying. He keeps glancing at the entrance, anticipating that familiar shade of auburn hair. The music was just about to end when the large door at the entrance creaked.

His eyes darted instantly at the opened door. He saw Mitsuhiko first. He was wearing a red and white suit that looks like he escaped from a grand Christmas party. He stopped moving as he anticipated with bated breath for Haibara to step in. Ayumi looked confusingly at him, as she followed his point of gaze.

Haibara looks so grand in her cream-colored long sleeve dress. She stands elegantly as the crowd seems to stop moving to admire her goddess-like appearance. The boys look obviously bewitched at her beauty. Even Genta stopped eating at the moment.

She seems oblivious though as she walked side by side with Mitsuhiko towards a table.

“Haibara-san! Wait up!” he exclaimed happily.

Before she sits down, she looks around the hall as if searching for someone. Conan was still looking at her. He seems to be magnetized by her presence. He was still holding his breath when their eyes meet. Conan’s heartbeat doubled as he locked gazes with Haibara, but it only lasted a few seconds before she broke her stare, looks at Ayumi, then back to him before she sat down.

Mitsuhiko sat beside her afterwards.

Conan clenched his fists as he fights the urge to  pull Mitsuhiko away from her.


A/N: Hmmm...I'm getting my momentum. :) And I received a blessing! Hihihihi
And I want to ask you, what can you say about Crestfallen's new book cover? Hahaha

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