41: Feeling of Happiness.

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Day 7 of 10 left

The next day, they walked together with the detective boys to school. Surprisingly, the scientist was in a good mood, and so was the detective.

School was nothing different though. The teachers are still giving bunch of assignments and the students are still goofing around while pretending to study hard. The lessons were still easy for her. When the bell rang, people bustled around, waving around and talking at her occasionally. She gives them a smile in return. Well, a fake smile.

And these times just  get her thinking…of everything.

Nobody really knows who the real Haibara Ai was, or Miyano Shiho, for that matter. Well, it was understandable. She did not even really know who the real her is. They knew her as the cool genius ice queen, who hardly showed affection or even expression to anyone. Many look up to her for her good record. Boys swoon around her because of her appearance and elegant aura. But they never really know her.

Or they couldn’t.

Because she does not allow them to.

But lately, she noticed that the walls that she had built up for so long were starting to weaken and crumble. She noticed that she was expressing herself more…that she was becoming transparent.

Only because of a certain snooping detective who could not help but to poke his head to another else’s business.

She sighed as she counted the days on her head. ‘Day seven. Just three more days.’ She thought.

Don’t get her wrong. Indeed, sometimes she felt like she wanted to change her mind…to stay. The detective was very persuasive at that. But then, she still has second thoughts. And she still thinks that the mess that is happening in everyone’s lives was partly her fault. Then guilt just starts to flood in. Then self-pity. Then just sadness.

She was tired…of everything. But she was confused. Sometimes…

“Haibara! What are you still doing in your seat?” a familiar voice asked, startling her from her thoughts. “It’s lunch break.”

She looked up, and her turquoise eyes met his blue orbs. He was staring down at the pile of notebooks scattered on her desk.

“I’m doing my homework.” She reasoned.

Conan’s brow perked up like he did not believe what she had just said. “Nonsense. That’ll be a miracle if it’s totally true.”

She glared at him. “Well, that doesn’t change the fact that I still need to do these stupid homework to pass.”

The detective smirked before he pulled her up from her seat. “Come on, let’s go.”

She gave him a blank look as he pulled her outside the classroom. Only some students were loitering on the hallways. Almost all were off to the cafeteria to grab some lunch. He continued to drag her away.

“This is not the way to the canteen.” She stated as he continues to drag her.

“I am aware of that.” Conan answered nonchalantly.  

“Where are we going?” she inquired, as Conan took her outside the school premises. “Are we going to ditch class?” she asked incredulously.

Conan chuckled as he looked sideways at her. “Yes, we are.” He paused for a moment to observe her mortified expression.

“What?” he asked after a while. “You’re that very good student now, who abides strictly to the school law, and worried that she may not graduate high school because she decided to ditch school? Come on, woman. I know you were bored as I am in that class. Let’s take a break for a while, shall we?”

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