Thomas X Reader - Dreamboat

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Note: this was a collaboration with @roseringleader13 on tumblr.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, car sex, oral (female receiving), fingering, Thomas talking dirty.
Word count: 6k

Thomas lays on his back, his nose pointing to the ceiling with his eyes closed

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Thomas lays on his back, his nose pointing to the ceiling with his eyes closed. His lips are cracked and blue from the lack of water over the past few days, his skin is dry and burnt to show his dehydration. And whatever was in that godawful drink Markus gave him did not help in the slightest.

I stand next to Newt with my arms crossed, watching Jorge beat Marcus to a bloody pulp. The man is strapped to a chair in the middle of the room, his nose, eyes and lips swollen and covered in his own blood. Newt flinches every time Marcus's head flies back from the impact of Jorge's fist. I place my hand on his upper arm and squeeze in reassurance.

I've grown close to Newt over the past week or so that I've known him. I mean, I've grown close to pretty much all of the boys; Minho, Frypan, Aris. I've even grown pretty close with Brenda over the two days I've known her for. Same goes for Jorge. But my favourite of the group - and I know it's bad to pick favourites - would have to be the boy who is currently unconscious. Thomas.

I met the boys in the cafeteria in WCKD, the names were going the be called out in a few minutes to see "who would go to the safe place" when really were pretty sure they never even left WCKD. Newt, Minho, Frypan and Winston all joined the table that I was sat at, asking me a bunch of questions about my maze and if it was the same as theirs.

We swapped stories, them telling me all about how they escaped and the boys they lost. I could tell how devastated they were, and I felt for them. I could see the loss and sorrow in their eyes, already knowing that I would have a bond with these boys.

Then a boy with honey coloured eyes and brown hair walked into the room. I quickly took notice because I had never seen him before, I knew that he was with group A, so I pointed him out and watched as all the boys shot up out of their seats to greet him. He sat down with us and he introduced himself quickly with a tight nod. I instantly grew a liking to him as he kept eyeing me with a certain hunger in his eyes. I wouldn't call it love at first sight. More like, eye fucking at first sight.

For the two days they were there, I got to know most of them during breakfast, lunch and dinner in the cafeteria. And since I sat with them at their table, they were quick to let me join them on their escape of WCKD. Thomas came to my room when the alarms started blaring, wanting me to follow him. Which I did of course. I still don't understand why though. He hardly knew me. He could have left me there, but he went out of his way, put himself and others in danger to make sure I could go with them.

Then we left. It was a tough escape but we managed. Now here we are, still fleeing from WCKD to find the safe haven. We've found new people along the way, but we've also lost people. When we lost Winston, it was a hard day for everybody, that gunshot ringing in our ears as we trudged through the sand dunes.

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