Stiles X Reader - Comfortable

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Warnings: I think there's like, one f-bomb.
Word count: 5k
Plot: you get night terrors and your staying at Stiles' house for the night.

"Here, I got the dishes" I smile politely at Noah as I take the plate out of his hands. The smell of Chinese take out wafting though the kitchen as Stiles puts the leftovers in the fridge for lunch tomorrow. Noah smiles and pats me on the shoulder.

"Thank you, child I should have had" he makes sure he talks loud enough for Stiles to hear him. I chuckle as I walk around the table, collecting the rest of the plates and utensils. The energetic boy spins on his heal with a frown on his face, pointing a finger at his father.

"Wha- hey!" Stiles mocks being offended. Mr Stilinski folds his arms and waits for the boy to defend himself.
"Are you saying I never wash the dishes? C-cause I did. . . That one time on that day . . . that I can't remember" Stiles mutters the last part of his ramble, clearly not being able to pin point a time when he did the dishes.

"Shut up and give me a hand, Stiles" I laugh, handing him the plates with the forks and knives. He started to protest, saying that I'm meant to be on his side but I cut him off. "It's three plates. It won't kill you" I fill the sink with soapy water and toss him the hand towel. "There, you dry while I wash" I hand him the plate I've already washed and he grumbles as he dries it. We both know he doesn't care that much, he probably doesn't care at all. But the little act he's putting on is adorably funny.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" Stiles asks in a hushed voice so his dad doesn't hear. He nudges my side with his elbow as he wipes down the now clean plate. I smile at his concern, this being the fifth time he's asked today.

"I'm a little worried but I should be just fine" I sigh, handing him the second plate to dry. "I know that everything will be fine in the end but that doesn't mean I'm not scared" I confess, shrugging it off.

"Yeah, no I totally get it. Just remember that you can ask me for anything" he continues "I want you to feel comfortable. . . Wow that was cheesy" he comments and I giggle. "Don't laugh at me! I'm trying to be nice" he tickles my side and I instantly tense up. "Oh, I always forget you're ticklish" he smirks.

Stiles goes to tickle my side again but I quickly splash him with the soapy water in the sink. "Don't even think about it Stilinski" I try to sound intimidating but I can't stop the chuckle from slipping past my lips as I see the small droplets of water dripping off his nose.

"Let's try not to make a mess, alright you two?" Noah warns from the doorway. Both Stiles and I apologise and go back to finishing the dishes, pulling faces and nudging each other. "Okay, I'm headed off. You guys have fun" Mr. Stilinski opens the front door after grabbing his keys, he pauses before exiting the house. "But not too much fun" he adds, pointing a warning finger at us.

"Oh darn! There goes our plans" Stiles calls through the house, overly sarcastically. I laugh as I wipe my wet hands on his shirt after draining the sink. Noah chuckles then finally closes the door behind him. We hear his car start only seconds later and suddenly it's just me and Stiles.

"Okay, dishes are done. Movie time" Stiles claps his hands and is already on his way to the television. "Do you wanna watch something down here or on my laptop in my room? That way you'll probably just fall asleep while watching the movie and not have to be afraid" Stiles asks gently, knowing that what I'm going through isn't an easy task.

"Um, probably your room, if that's okay" I have spent a lot of time in Stiles' house but I've never stayed the night. Stiles is one of my closest friends and I've known him for years. I bonded well with his dad too which made this whole situation so much more comfortable. "Thanks again for letting me stay with you. Since my parents are out, I don't feel comfortable being alone, especially with the night terrors" I fiddle with the hem of my shit as I speak softly.

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