Stiles X Reader

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Final Moments Aren't Always Sweet

Pairing: Alpha!Reader X Stiles

Warnings ⚠️ : fluff, death, lil but of swearing, mentions of smut, a lot of plot

"Stiles I swear, if you quote Yoda again tonight, I'm gonna have to hurt you." I chuckle, linking my arm around the sarcastic boy I have the pleasure of calling my boyfriend, as he holds his arm out for me like a gentleman. Our forearms press together, the skin on skin contact sending shivers down my spine as we stumble out of the small but cute restaurant.

"Why would you ever want to hurt me? Especially for the fact that I'm quoting possibly the greatest character of all time!" Stiles practically yells as we clumsily bump hips as we make our way down the sidewalk. If anyone else were to notice us, they would think we were drunk. However, no alcohol was consumed on this night.

What Stiles seems to not understand, is that he wasn't exactly quoting Yoda. Most of the night he was just saying sentences backwards and using a groggily deep voice. I mean, it's not too bad of an impression and honestly it's pretty funny. However, after going on and on and on about how much he loved the food that the restaurant was serving, in said voice, it got old very quickly.

"Now that's debatable. Yeah, Yoda is pretty badass, but I don't think he's the greatest character of all time." I point an accusing finger in Stiles' face, having no reason for arguing with him, apart from the fact that it's entertaining to watch him get all flustered and pouty. Stiles is quick to hold his free hand up, telling me to stop what I'm saying, in a playful manner, of course.

"Says the girl that's in love with every bad guy in every movie she's ever watched!" Stiles yells in disbelief. Though we both sound very passionate about this argument, we know that neither us us are actually angry. The smiles that we both have trouble hiding is enough of a sign for each other, that we are simply having a good time.

"Oh whatever. I can't help it that all the bad guys are played by really hot actors!" I flail my free arm for emphasis. He wasn't wrong, I do love a lot of villains. I could write a long list of all the bad guys that I've fancied over the years. Sure the villains are hot, but if given the chance, I'd never even dream of giving up Stiles to be with one of them. I have a good guy, and I'm not giving him up any time soon.

Stiles stops walking and places a hand on his chest, contorting his face. By him stopping, out linked arms caused me to stop with him. Seeing his reaction had me amused, a smirk on my lips and my eyebrows almost disappearing in my hairline. Stiles' fingers fumble with the collar of his red plaid shirt as he keeps his hand on his chest.

"Excuse you? As your boyfriend, that deeply offends me." Stiles mocks, the corners of his lips curling up once again and I can't help but feel a faint blush cover my cheeks. I roll my eyes and glance around for a moment, noticing that we're only a few meters away from the restaurant where we had our date. The path we stand on seems to be empty. No one appears to be around, the faint yellow glow of streetlights and the occasional headlights of cars going past illuminates our faces in the darkness of the night.

I untangle my arm from Stiles' to place both my hands on his waist, my pointer fingers hook into his light blue jeans out of habit. Whenever we're pressed up together, my fingers always hide themselves in his waistband. Nothing sexual or intimate, more like a comfort thing. I remember the first time I did it, Stiles got so flustered and his cheeks were a bright red. Now, he hardly notices since he's so used to it.

I mutter a soft apology as a warm smile spreads over my lips. He smiles too, his hands come up to rest against my cheeks and warming them up with his soft palms. I lean into his touch and close my eyes for a moment, breathing in a deep breath as I relish in the feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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