The Lover And The Cheater - Stiles X Reader

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Warnings: Mentions of cheating, reader x Scott (but not), SMUT, oral (male), blowjob, unprotected sex, girl on top, riding, thigh grinding, lil bit of strip tease, swearing
Word count: 5k
Summary: Scott cheated on you and he gets Stiles to fix your relationship. However, Stiles has had a crush on you for years and you don't plan on taking Scott back any time soon.

(Scott's P.O.V)

"Scott! I don't want to hear it! Just get out!" Y/n yells with mascara streaking down her cheeks, slamming the white wooden door in my face. She didn't take another glance at me before doing so, too angry to look me in the eye. I didn't need to see her to know that she pressed her back against the door and falling down, letting her tears fall freely.

"Y/n, I promise I didn't mean it! We were drunk, okay!" I call from the other side of the door, causing Y/n to run her fingers through her hair in frustration and slam her head back against the wood. She was so angry and upset with me that she was scared to see me again, fearing she'd end up hurting me, physically or emotionally. Even though I most likely deserve it.

"I swear to you. Malia and I woke up this morning and had a big awkward conversation. Neither of us wanted it to be like this" I keep trying, thinking that my words will make my lover open the door and let me back in. However, Y/n wasn't having a bar of it. She's too angry with me to even consider reaching for the door handle.

Malia and I caught up after she got back from Paris. She was so giddy and jet lagged that she thought booze would make her sleep easier. How that works, I have no idea. But the werecoyote insisted that I stayed with her until she finished the bottle. Along the way she managed to get me my own bottle and things got a little crazy from there.

Neither of us could remember much when we woke up but we were both naked in the same bed, a few memories of us kissing and... doing some inappropriate things to each other flooded back into our minds as the headaches hit us. There was no denying that we had sex.

I tried yelling at the door for about half an hour before I understood that she wouldn't let me back inside to talk things through. I knew I had messed up, badly, but I found it off putting that she wouldn't even try to fix things with me. All I wanted was to explain how the night with Malia went and how absolutely piss ass drunk we both were.

Running over to my motorbike, I jump on, pulling on my helmet and starting up the vehicle. Taking the brakes off I push into the road and speed away to the only person I know that can fix this mess I had made. The one person Y/n always listens to and the only one I would let get in between this drama, knowing he could fix this.

Dodging and weaving through cars on the road, I let my mind go blank as I fly past all the other vehicles. Images of last night pop into my head, Malia on top of me with her shirt off, moaning my name. I swivel on the bike a bit, almost crashing into the car beside me. I shake my head and nod to the old man in the vehicle as an apology when he beeped his horn at me.

Finally, after about ten minutes I reach the station. Putting the stand up on the two wheeled vehicle, I take my helmet off and hang it over the brake of my bike. I glanced at the building that I spent a lot of my high school life in and around, wasting no time in running into the sheriff's station. I almost knock someone over as I push the door open in their face. Muttering a short apology, too filled with one emotion to actually really care.

I didn't even glance at the lady at the front desk, being a regular face in my best friends workplace as I jogged over to where I knew Stiles would be. Turning down hallways and glancing through windowed doors just to make sure Stiles wasn't in any of them.

Dylan O'Brien characters X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now