Part fouteen

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Part fourteen~

Kanon awakes in the morning, he finds himself in Terukis arms in their bed.

Teruki looks so adorable when he is asleep.

"Teruki.." Kanon whispers and looks closely his boyfriends face.

" got a spot on your cheek."

He giggles a little.

"You are so adorable Teruki..."

He cuddles close to him and put his head on Terukis chest. He can hear his heartbeats.

He smiles, he loves to feel the heartbeats on his loved one.

Teruki mumbles in his sleep.


Kanons lips forms to a smirk.

"My loved Teruki..."

Being so comfortable in Terukis arms, Kanon fall asleep again, but after just a little while his phone is ringing and awakes him and Teruki.

Teruki slowly sits up and look at his surroundings tiredly. When he sees Kanon he looks happy and hugs him.

"My Kanon." He says and kisses his cheek.

"My Teruki." Kanon responds.

"Stupid alarm clock..."

Kanon smiles a little because of Terukis randomness.


He reaches for his phone to check messages. I received two. One from Miku and one from Yuuki.

Miku: new text message!

'Hey! I hope everything's alright with you too sillies. I just wanted to tell you, because I think you have to know, and it's okay for you to know for Bou too. It's like this, Bou has depression, anxiety and anorexia. He has also cut and burn himself. He is now in hospital, I found him unconscious on the floor one day. Please don't judge him, he is feeling bad enough already. You can visit him if you want to, he would like to see you.'

Kanon reads the message from Miku over and over again. He also looks at the picture he sent him. It's on Bou in his hospital bed with his legs hissed. You can see the scars on his legs there.

"Omg Bou..." Kanon puts his hand over his mouth and starts to sob.

"Darling what's wrong?" Teruki asks Kanon who gives him the phone. He starts to read what Miku wrote and also looks at the picture.

Teruki looks worried.

"I think we should visit him." Kanon says and kisses his boyfriends shoulder.

"Yeah, that would be good, but please take that picture away! It worries me!" Teruki says and sounds very uncomfortable.

Kanon closes his and Mikus conversation and looks at his and Yuukis instead.

Yuuki: new picture message!

'Daddy and daughter looks through a photo album together<3'

The picture Yuuki sent brings smiles to Terukis and Kanons lips. It's a picture on Takuya with little cute Shi on his lap while they look through a photo album.

Kanon: 'nawwwwwwww, so cute!^^ don't forget our practice tomorrow!'

Kanon puts his phone away and looks at Teruki.

"Should we get dressed and visit Bou?"


The get up and get dressed before the leave.~

Miku and Bou are lying on the hospital bed, their arms wrapped around each other, not letting each other go.

There is a moment of silence before there's a knock on the door.

"Come in." Miku says and wrap his arms tighter around Bou, like he is afraid of that the person who knocked on the door will take him away from him.

A nurse enters the room with a tray of food.

"Food time for you Bou." She says and puts the tray on the table next to the bed.

"No, I am not hungry."he says.

"But my dear, you have to eat. You die if you dont do it. Please, think about our coming baby. It will be so sad if you can't be with it. Please, try to eat al least a little." Miku says and kisses Bous lips.

Getting such a nice kiss, and hearing about the baby, Bou lights up.

"Okay, but just a little."

Bou starts to eat.

"Promise me to not throw up either." Miku begs him. He gets a nod as respond.

"Okay, that's good my love."

Bou continue eating and he surprises both Miku and the nurse with eating everything and lying back on the bed, without throwing up.

"Well done Bou!" The nurse tells him and walks away with the tray.

Miku is so proud of Bou so he is crying.

A tear drop down on Bous face and he opens his eyes and meet Mikus tearfilled eyes.

"Miku? What's wrong?" He asks.

Miku surprises him by a hug.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm so proud of you because you ate without throwing up. That's great! How are you feeling now? Did you think of throwing up?"

Bou blushes before answering.

"Well, I feel sick, I haven't eat this much for long, but I think it's gonna be alright. No, I didn't think about throwing up, I want the baby to be happy."

Miku smiles.

"I am sure the baby will be happy." He says and kisses Bous lips again.

They get interrupt by a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Kanon opens the door and runs over to Bou. Teruki walks in after him.

"Kanon, keep calm."

Kanon flies over to Bou and hugs him and cries.

"Bouboubouboubou!!! How are you?"

Bou hugs Kanon back.

"I'm better, I'm healing." He says and strikes Kanons back to calm him.

Teruki pulls Kanon away from Bou. He leans in and hug the ill one.

"How are you doing Bou?" He asks.

"I'm better." Bou answers...

The four are sitting in the bed and talks the rest of the day. By eleven pm a nurse comes and tell Teruki, Kanon and Miku to leave.

"Don't leave Miku.." Bou says and grabs his hand when Miku walks away.

"Dear, I'm coming back tomorrow. Try to eat breakfast again tomorrow. Think if how happy our baby will be." Miku says and kisses Bou before leaving.


Yuuki and Takuya are cuddling I'm the sofa when Shi sleeps.

"I think Shi is going to wake up soon. She does never sleep more than an hour in the middle of the day." Takuya tells Yuuki.

Yuuki nods.

"There is something I want to discuss with you." He says.


"What should we do with Shi when we are at practice? We can't take her with us."

Takuya thinks for a while.

"Why can't we take her with us?"

Yuuki let's out a small laughter.

"Well, she is going to ruin the drumkit, she will sit on the keyboard, she is going to destroy the guitars and basses..."


To be continued...

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