Arriving in the big city

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So this is Irongate? It's different from what I expected it to look like. I was now in what looked like a building that shot up from the ground and had strange patterns that were very jagged and sharp angles with bionic slots and pieces with screws, bolts and cogs intertwined with the building almost helping it stand up taller than any skyscraper I had ever set eyes on before.

This man she had found out was the mayor of this town had led her to what looked like an apartment, it looked normal enough, well apart from the big hole in one side that was a balcony, it looked as if someone had ripped off the top of a tin can, and left it to remain open for everyone to see its insides, "no privacy" she thought.

"Sorry about the mess I wasn't expecting company today" he said. What was this guy talking about? It was spotless, he must be OCD or something because nothing was out of place.

"Would you like a cup of Tea, coffee or something cool perhaps?" "Could I have a cup of tea please? Uhhh...." I took a brief pause hinting that I didn’t catch his name. "Oh my apologies I never told you my name, its Benjamin Brien Keeraghan" and with that said he disappeared into the next room that must be a kitchen.

He came back into the room carrying two cups of something hot, you could tell by the steam rising out of the top of the cups like gentle mists. "Now you can stay with me while we find a way to solve this horrible mess and figure out a way to get you home" He said in a loving tone the way someone would speak to someone they thought of dearly. "Are you sure? I mean I don't want to be a burden on you." "Of course, I can’t just let you stay on the street, now can I?" This man was so kind, I can see why people elected him for their mayor! "Now my wife is about your size she's small so you can borrow some of her clothes, she'll be fine with it and tomorrow we will go to a scientist and good friend of mine that could help locate where the portal has been taken to."

Just as he finished speaking the door of this lovely, homely apartment was opened with a creak and a woman with pitch black hair that hung in curls walked through the door with many bags and I'm assuming she went food shopping or something because she had more bags at the foot of the door so me and Ben rushed to help this woman that must be his wife, I couldn't help but think she looked so elegant in everything she did.

"Thanks you two I don't think we'll need to go shopping for a year now haha" her accent was thick and Irish. "Oh its ok darling and by the way this is Genevieve, you know, the girl from the prophecy." Ben said and as soon as he finished his sentence it was as if this woman went into mother mode... "WHAT?!?!?! Did anyone else talk to you other than my husband????  Did anyone follow you two here? Does anyone else know who she really is? Ben!! We need to keep her safe from th-----" she didn't get to finish because Ben interjected. "She's only conversed with me, nobody followed us, and nobody followed us here she's perfectly safe we are safe Josephine, what happened last time was an accident we can't keep blaming ourselves" I couldn't help but feel sorry for this woman called Josephine because it looked like she was on the verge of tears.

What I want to know is what could've happened that could cause two people to worry so much over someone they just met? Hmmmmm.......

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