T h r e e

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I feel better when I talk to you. You give my mind, this empty vessel, something to do. A purpose.

Everything has a purpose. Every purpose serves a greater one.

I am only helping you focus.

That's what we are calling it? The greater purpose?

We both know it's inevitable.


You have a fear of needles.

How do you know?

What we know shouldn't be surprising you. Not after spending 40 days playing this game.

It's just...

Not even my parents know about it.

You think they would care?

Prick your arm with a needle. Multiple times.

Facing a fear will make you stronger.

Is this the task?

No. Today you just stay in your room.

Don't talk to anyone.

This is the task.

He'd been there when she cut herself. Now, he wanted to witness the exact moment she finds out how terribly neglected and worthless her existence is.

When she finally realizes happiness is an open book and she has lost the ability to read.

Anna didn't go to her friend's today. Their mother is home. He knocks on his little sister's bedroom door. When she doesn't answer, he decides to go in.

Anna is huddled under multiple layers of blankets. She doesn't hear him come in because of the headphones she has on, which are two times bigger than her head. When their eyes meet, she closes hers and leans back into her pillow.

He sees a thick book on marine life beneath her bedside lamp. A picture of a ginormous blue whale is printed over its hardcover. He hates those pathetic creatures. So, he opens her window letting in a blast of freezing air and flings the book out into the night.

'Why would you do that?' his sister cries. Tears stream down her rosy cheeks. 

'No blue whales in this house,' he announces, 'That girl next door got you into this. You are not stepping into her house ever again!'

His sister's silent cries turn into high pitched wails. She calls him names he has heard a million times before but coming from her, they prick just the slightest bit. Their mother intervenes, calling a truce and asking him to go downstairs and get Anna's book back. He agrees, only to quiet the blubbering mess his sister has become and disappears into his room instead.

A photo notification patiently waits on his laptop. Excitement makes him giddy. Surely enough, doornail3 has punctured a scattering of ruby dots all across her severely scarred arm. 

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