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This is it, dear readers.

This was the story of a monster that killed and the two girls that killed him.

Now, let's get some things out of the way:

Starting with m12, the monster that said all the right kind of things to Yulia, the victim. The real reason why Yulia followed his barbaric instructions was that he paid attention- something she yearned for but never received. Not even from her mother or her best friend. 

The same goes for Anna. The only person who paid attention to her was Yulia. So, she tried to the little girl in the exact way the monster was "helping" her (because that was what she thought was right).

And we all know how that ended, don't we?

I think us, as friends/brothers/sisters/guardians/partners, need to make sure we convey our love to those who feel all alone even in a room full of people.

We need to make sure we tell them how much they mean to us, how much we love them, and how ready we are to stick by their side no matter what. Even though you have told them that a thousand times, repeating it will only give them hope.

Here's what not to do:

* Belittle them or their sentiments. (What m12 did with Anna's book and emotions.)

* Call them self-obsessed or selfish. (m12 tells Anna to 'get over herself' even though he was only teasing.)

* Limit their freedom. (As he tells her not to visit Yulia anymore. It only increases that feeling of being trapped or suffocating.)

* Ask them to 'snap out of it' or 'get over it' like they have a choice.

Another thing:

Just like many other victims of the viral challenge, Yulia was fifteen years old and Anna was only twelve.

You can't just say, 'Damn, you're too young to be depressed. Just wait till you reach university and suffer the wrath of assignments and haunting deadlines (although I would agree with you on the wrath part, it will only make them feel unimportant).

When you're not receiving the right kind of support, attention, and understanding from the people you most expect/want it from, it doesn't matter if you're 12 or 120, sadness will strike.

And it'll strike bad.

To those of my readers who relate to Yulia and Anna more than they'd like to admit:

You are loved. You are valued. 

And no matter how bad things get- do not give up.

Give the song in the media a try. I hope you'll like it!

-------- The End --------

With all the love and sincerity I can muster,

Uzi ~~

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