A.N- 1.1k reads??!!! Yall are amazing! I hope I'm not letting you guys down.
Words of Aegon's coronation soon spread throughout the land and even her father, the Storm King, could not keep those ominous, chilling whispers from infecting his keep. Servants and soldiers murmured anxiously talking of this foreign king, as capable and mighty as he is handsome, overwhelming entire Westeros with his military prowess and when asked by Argella, hurried away with eyes down cast.
Storm's End, the great castle raised by Durran Godsgrief in the Age of Heroes, stood immense and immovable atop the towering cliffs of Durran's Point. The infamous storm that raged on their shore was blinding their own archers posted on outer curtain walls. Inside, men and woman prepared for siege, stocking the granary and weapons that'd last them the war.
The men of stormland were as fierce as the storm itself and skilled in combat. Once competing against one another, vying for dominance, they were now united under one king, ready to be led to any battlefield.His father had called the banners. Connington and Dondarrion, Penrose and Estermont, even Tarth from its beautiful sapphire isles came flocking to their overlord's cause. Most notable being the men of marches. Their boys learn to wield a sword even before they can talk. Argilac had sent for them to create line of defense along the borders.
The storm that was brewing has hit their shore.
Argella is not invited to her father's council and why will she be? She is but a maiden, unversed in politics and military tactic. Her source therefore is Corren, a cupbearer to her father and often served when he is in meeting. With promise of sweets and good clothes, he offered her bits of information he acquired from their discussion.
They were stressful information indeed. Aegon Targaryen is on the march again. The king with his sizable army had marched northeast to God's Eye, the heart of Harren the Black's swelling empire that has been nibbling on their land for centuries. It was a welcome news for them if Aegon had not meant to uncrown their dynasty too.
The Targaryen fleet under some Valyrian have turned north, crossing the tides toward Vale. With them, left Queen Visenya, riding her dragon.
The remaining men comprising greater part of the host marched south under the command of Orys Baratheon. With them came Rhaenys astride her gold-eyed Meraxes to aid them against the Durrandon. Scouts reported they have entered the Kingswood and currently building a bridge across the Wendwater that will allow them to make for Storm's End.
In the midst of preparation, Argella caught her father going out of the castle grounds accompanied by few of his guards. Argella ran to him, worried that he'd do something drastic in his old age. It had started to drizzle.
"Argella!" He cried when he caught sight of her. "You shouldn't be here, lassie."
"Are you going to meet the dragon king?" She asked breathlessly, her heart beating frantically in fear.
"He's no king!" He barked. "And I've planned a different sort of welcome for that bastard."
"Where are you going then? And with so few guards?"
"You need not be concerned, sweet daughter. I'm going to check-"
"They have dragons!" She cried.
"A king mustn't cower from battle. There are invaders at our gate, planning to take down what we have built and while I live, I shall allow no such thing to happen. We do not submit to some foreign scum.But, I'll be keeping distance, if you are worried. Now go, run to your chamber. Connington, go with her. See that she's safe behind the doors."
Connington made to lead her back but Argella spoke up. "There's no need. I'll be going now. Be safe, father."
"You too, my darling. Remember our way."
Argella watched him go. He was mad, she understood, with his frailty and pride but she is all that is left of their dynasty and she won't let it perish. Not on her watch.
Her father returned some time later, assuring his plan was in motion.
Argella could not say when the sun went down, since they never saw the face of sun. As the day commenced, it only grew darker. The braziers and torches were hard to keep alight as the storms with its strong, wet touch extinguished all fire.
The women and children were huddled in the secure tower of inner castle. Argella had organized a public procession so it'd instill faith and courage in the people. She lit candles to all seven gods and sang hymns along with the septons and septas, doing all she can do to keep them calm.
Argella anxiously stood by the window, keeping an eye out for a messenger.
"Do you think our walls are strong enough?" She asked their castellan.
"It is thicker than that horrendous structure Harren built, I'm sure. These walls have never been breached."
"What about dragons?"
He was silent for a moment and that robbed Argella of all courage she had mustered. "As long as we stay inside, we should be safe." He said.
Argella looked back at her father, sitting on his throne, deep in thought. He is not as strong as he was. His hair turning white and muscled slack. His pride was a dangerous thing and it made her worry more.
The following day, a messenger was potted, galloping to Storm's End. Argilac ordered him to be brought forth.
The messenger appeared before and bowed. "Sire."
"What news?" Hegrowled
"The first battle is ours, my king." He said and Argella relaxed, letting go of the breath she was holding.
"We took them by surprise as they were preparing to cross Wendwater. They have cut down more than thousands of their men before they faded back into the trees.
Lords Errol, Fell, and Buckler distinguished themselves by charging first and taking down their line of defense and there wasn't much they could do to fight back. That bastard of his tried but-"
"They all shall be rewarded. They must hold the garrison a little longer. What about the dragons?" He interrupted, suddenly remembering.
"Perhaps elsewhere but I hear one of Aegon's wife was there. I do not know if they have got hold of her yet."
"Go announce to them: twenty pieces of gold for her head."
"I will but it is not the only news. I hear the dragonlord himself is being tested by Harren's. I hear his men attacked them on God's Eye, even beating them back. If the gods will, we hope they take care of each other without us having to shed more blood."
Argilac smiled contently."We must be prepared anyway. It won't be long before their scattered army regroup and I've always loved a good fight."
He announced a grand feast that night and even in revelry, Argella can't help but be restless. The storm isn't over yet.
The Conquest
FanfictionBefore, the Game of Thrones, the seven kingdoms saw the rise of Westeros as a united country, all seven kingdoms forged into one great kingdom under the greatest dynasty. The story revolves around Aegon and his two sister-queens; their ascent and th...