Even after days of burning down Harrenhal, one could still see red glow under the stones. The walls had crumbled; the thick beams of the castles that remained were blackened and charred from where the flames had licked at them. The ruins were still smoking, the faintest glow of embers lit up in the night like volcano. Nothing had escaped the fire- the towers were gone, the metal base of the grand chandelier lay blackened and twisted on the ground.
It was necessary, Aegon understood that. No victory ever came without cost, yet he wondered if this was worth his dreams. The dynasty he was building, would his successors preserve them? Would they continue his legacy? He wondered if his spirits would linger to see what becomes of the empire he is building. Like the ancient weirwoods, silent and all seeing, he'd watch them forever.
They were in the riverlands; his army had camped near the God's Eye. It provided them with water and food was supplied by the riverlords. They had occupied a ruined castle, put to torches many winters ago. It's ancient stones were chipped off and the door splintered. There were five or six rooms in total that were habitable; not enough to house ten thousand men so most stayed in camp around it.
In the dusty hall, filled with cobwebs and ghosts of burnt men, Aegon Targaryen sat with his council. There was Lord Tully, the Lord Paramount of the fertile Trident and his sworn banner-men- Blackwoods, Drarrys, Freys, Mallisters. His own men sat with their new allies discussing the strategy against the approaching army of unified force of Lannister and Gardener.
Unlike their competitions, House Lannister and Gardener recognized them as their common foe. They understood what they have to do to survive and put aside their squabble in favor of a common cause. Both great Western kings, Mern IX of House Gardener and Loren Lannister met at Goldengrove of House Rowan and unified their army- fifty five thousand men strong among them five thousand mounted knights and hundreds of Lords great and small.
"Our Iron fist." Mern was reported to boast. With host so large, they were heading north-east. Between them lay veld full of tall grasses and farming fields.
"We do not have sufficient strength, nor enough time." His men worried. "For every men we have, they have five." And much of them new allies, their loyalty untested.
"Good thing so we may move faster then." Aegon said. He awaited Visenya who was at Crackshaw Point obtaining surrender. Rhaenys was by his side, lively and fair as always. She and Orys had bought a significant portion of land to their kingdom. Argilac's daughter whom Orys has claimed as his wife, remained at Storm's End, guarded by Targaryen troops.
"We wait for them in the south of Blackwater. We will have an open field."
"But your grace, we will not have the higher ground. In that case, our enemies will have advantage and they already have five times our number."
The door of their council was suddenly opened and a messenger came in announcing Visenya's arrival. No sooner than he had announced her presence, Visenya strutted through the door as powerful and confident as the day she was given Dark Sister.
"Sweet sister." He kissed her hand.
"My beloved brother." Visenya embraced him and proceeded to greet her sister. "Darling Rhaenys."
Through the corner of his eyes, Aegon could see the men in the room had visibly sunk into their seats- his elder sister was that much intimidating. She looked formidable as always; her armor was removed but she wore riding breeches which looked as if they were cut out for women. Silk robe or chainmail- Visenya looked extraordinary in both.
"Aethan." She stopped before Daemon's nephew and the successor of the seat of Driftmark. "My condolences for you and your family. I would congratulate you for being taking the lordship if it were under different circumstances."

The Conquest
FanfictionBefore, the Game of Thrones, the seven kingdoms saw the rise of Westeros as a united country, all seven kingdoms forged into one great kingdom under the greatest dynasty. The story revolves around Aegon and his two sister-queens; their ascent and th...