Its end this Part 2

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My hands are shaking, and won't stop
I open the bottle of pills.
I start to cry again.
I look up at the ceiling.
That's when I hear footsteps.

"Four." Says Christina. "Would Tris really want you to do this?"
I don't say anything.
She walks beside me, and takes to pill bottle out of my hands.

She wraps me in a hug.
"We can get through this, together." She says.
That's what I would tell Tris.
But she didn't listen.

She didn't believe me.

I rub my face with my hands.
Her funeral is today, and I don't know if I can make it.
"Come on, we need to leave." She says.
I nod, and she pulls me with her down the stairs, and into a car.

<at the funeral home>

Tris' coffin is resting at the front of the room, opened.
I walk up to it.
She is so pale, so lifeless.
I grab her hand, which is colder than I expected.

I push the tears into the back of my head.
I kneel by the coffin, and squeeze her hand again, praying that she will come back to me, and wrap her arms around me, and say, "everything is okay, I'm here."

But it's never happens.
Please Tris...please..

I rest my head against the hard wood, and let the tears fall.
I could have stopped this.
This is all my fault.

She has done so many things, that I could have prevented.
So many things happened to her I could have prevented..

And now, I'm here, with her, laying in a coffin bed.

I feel a hand on my back.
I turn around, and it's Zeke.
I stand up, and he hugs me tightly, crying into my shoulder.
He pats me on the back, and nods.

I look around, and so many people are here.
The gang and their family, kids from school I don't even recognize.

Teachers even.
The priest finally comes, and approaches me.
He gives me a nod, and I sit down in the front.
Music starts playing.

The song Tris told me they played at her mothers funeral.
The priest gives his normal boring preach, then eventually, says, "Now, a few words from Tris Prior's partner, Tobias Eaton."

He nods at me, and I get up.
I stand in front of Tris.
I take one look at her, then turn to the crowd.
Almost everyone is sobbing.
"Tris, was the light to my world." I start.
"And without her, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I probably wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for her.
Tris, as you all may know, moved her a couple of years ago, and was a very quiet person.
The first time I met her, was at lunch, when Cristina dragged her over to meet  all of our friends, and from that moment, I fell for her.
She was so beautiful, so smart, so brave and kind, honest and selfless.
We had been together ever since freshman year, and we're still dating during college.
We did everything together. It didn't matter what it was, we always did it together.
When we argued, we always ground a way to fix it.
But when I walked through that door a few days ago, and heard her scream, "o didn't want to leave you," I crumbled into a million pieces.
I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, and when I reached her room, there she was." I say, choking on my words, the tears falling down my cheeks.

"She was hanging there, and she looks at me, with those beautiful gray eyes.
I struggle to get her down, and then her eyes closed." I say.

"I finally got her down, and checked her pulse, and there was nothing. She was so pale and cold. But does anyone know why she did this? Show of hands if she gave you at least a sign that she was going to do this."

And almost the whole room full of people I know and don't know, raise their hand, even a teacher.

"See, we are all guilty, and I, worst of all. I could have stopped all of this from the begging, but I didn't. I'm not going to tell you everything that happened to her, because you would be sitting here for hours.
But, Tris pushed through all of it, and continued her life like nothing happened, until someone pushed her to her breaking point.
She was such a strong person, and I loved her for that.." I trail off, and look up at the ceiling.

"Tris, if you can hear me, just know; I love you, and no one can ever replace you." I look back down to the floor, and sit down.
I feel pats on my back, but I don't care.

<after the ceremony>

I sit beside her coffin for what feels like forever, staring at her lifeless body.
I've cried all I could.

"Tris," I whisper, "just one more more more glance..

One more...

Hey everyone! So, that's the end of this book! I hope you all enjoyed! I'll probably do a prologue later, but thank you for all the support on this book❤️I love you all, and Be Brave.


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