Jasper comes back to cambell

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After a while of thinking...Jasper wants to go back to Camp Cambell. He could get a job there. it whould be fun,he thought to himself. "Maby Davey is still there...probly not.." Jasper thought to himself as he drove to Camp Cambell.

Jasper made it there he walked out and smiled he Met with Mr.Cambell and asked abought David. Mr.Cambell smiled "Oh yes! Davey yeah..hes counseling with the kids right now.." Jasper's eyes lid up. "So...your saying he works here Mr.Cambell???"

Mr. Cambell nodded, "Ofcourse hes worked here for the long'st time" Jasper nodded and went to run off to find David. "Wait wait wait!" Mr.Cambell Grabed Jaspers Wrist. Jasper stoped and turnd to face him. "uh..what is it?"

Mr.Cambell awserd for his actions. "Your not still mad abought the bear incident right?" Jasper sighed, "No its all good Mr.Cambell.." The incident still affected Jasper a bit but he dicided to say otherwise.

"Alright have fun" Mr.Cambell let go of Jasper. He ran and then stoped he saw David singing songs. His eyes sparkled and he almost squealed from excitement. He waved at David "D-Davey its me Jasper!!"

(My bestie drew this💕💕follow her Tumbler @toosterteeth💕💕💕)

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(My bestie drew this💕💕follow her Tumbler @toosterteeth💕💕💕)

the kids turnd and looked at him. David looked up "Jasper?..." David got up and ran to hug Jasper. The kids watched him. "Hey Jasper what brings you here!?" David seem more happyer than what he used to be. Jasper blushed. "Good good what abought you?"

David let go of Jasper and smiled, "Whoa you have braces now??" Jasper nodded, yeah i dicided to get them now..." David nodded. "This is Jasper a good friend of mine" the kids smiled. "cool"

Jasper was reaching for Davids hand but David moved his hand away and gave him a look. Jasper was confused as he put his hands in his pockets.

David went along with the kids and kinda ignored Jasper. Jasper kinda started to get more confused evrytime he was ignored. "Alright kids time for you to meet up with Mr.Cambell" he smiled and jumped around.

After the kids left his smile disaperd to a froun as he looked at Jasper. he leand up agenst a tree. "so why do u decide to come back after all these years"

Jasper looked at him "Because...i just..wanted a job man whats rong?" David crossed his arms. "Hmmm okay sure what i should of asked is why did you leave"

Jasper put his hand on his hip. "Well because of that bear attack i didint wanna go and my parents didint want me there eather..." David sighed and rolled his eyes "sounds reasonable"

Jasper sighed starting to get frustrated. "look...Davey you were acting totally difrent with thoese kids. Now you acting like how i rememberd you...but worse. i dont know why you have to act all Fake around me."

David raised his voice "Of course you whouldent know!..." David Noticed he raised his voice. "you were a really good friend...i hated it when you left..im sorry Jasper i just have to show these kids that this camp is the best...i cant just act like im not haveing a good time..because thay wont have a good time..."

"oh.."Jasper replied he didint know what to say. "ive been here with Mr.Cambell as much as i can, hes the best and i whould never wanna let him down.." David moved from Jasper. "Dont talk to me Jasper..." he said sadly and walked away.

Jasper stood there "Fuck..." he thought to himself. hes gonna show David that he is a true friend...and this time not going to leave his side.

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