David tells all.

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Later Jasper already filled out his form to work there. it was a Friday so he will start work on Monday. he watched how David treated the kids. It made Jasper blush it was just so cute.

The kids were all going to bed. he saw David walk to his cabin. Jasper fixed his Purple flannel and went to knock on Davids door.

David heard the knocking thinking it was Mr.Cambell he ran an opend it. "Yes M-...oh hey..Jasper.." Jasper blushed "Hey Davey..i-" David cut him off his sentence, "I dont wanna talk rn..im fine" David was gonna close the door but Jasper shoe was holding it open.

"Davey please...i know my Bestie...i probly know you more than Mr.Cambell.." David tryied not to giggile at "Bestie" David sighed, "Alright Jas.." David let Jasper in and David sat on his bed.

Jasper walked in and looked around he saw a picture of him and a girl on the desk. Jasper tried to raise his spirits. "Ooooo whos the lucky chick?" David got up "Dont look at that" he got it and crumbled it up throwing it away.

"Ohh...did she break up with you?" David sat at his desk. "Yeah shes from Christan camp...she got pregnant by her ex she was still messing around with...i was more willing to help but she just.." David didint say annything more.

"ah im sorry man" he patted Davids back. David shruged. "So what have you been doing since you havent been to Cambell?" Jasper smiled and layed down on Davids bed. "Well...ive played Basket ball for the longest time...nothing really special."

David looked at Jaspers shoes. he let out a small giggile. "hehe you still have the L.A Gears" he laughed. Jasper sat up. "Ofcourse! There my faviorts. i did have to get new ones"

"yeah...you and your shoes.." David said as he sighed. Jasper sat up and looked at David. his eyes went to his wrist. he looked closer and saw Bad scarring there. "David whats that?"

David shot up. "Nothing" Jasper gave him this look. "Nothing...??" David started tearing up. "Its from along time ago..things get hard and things build up and it dosent stop...i cant do annything right...i cany even kill myself successfully" he wiped his tears. "Give me a sec"

Jasper grabed his Wrist And David tried to jerk away from him. "no no Davey its okay to cry...here have this" he gave David his watch , and put it on his wrist. "this is my watch and you can have it...you know so nobody ask abought it" David looked at it and smiled. he looked at Jasper and latched onto him.

"Im sorry for treating you how i did...I know that situation must have been hard. Im so glad your back...will you stay?" Davids crying made Jasper wanna cry. "O-of course Davey im staying and im gonna work with you..." David huged Jasper tightly.

"Thanks" he sobbed. "Shhh its alright Davey" After a long cry from David Jasper got an idea. "Heh i know whats good for you" David looked at him. "What?" Jasper stood up. "We should go on a road trip." Davey laughed. "to..were?"

Jasper smiles "To annywere you want Babe" Jasper calling someone Babe is a habbit of his, His mom whould do that all the time to so he saw nothing odd of it. David blushed. "Babe.." he heard in his mind. Jasper snapped and giggiled. "Davey were do u wanna go?"

David smiled and looked at Jaspers pretty blue eyes. he thought of a place that he really loves and calms him. "I wanna go to a forrest...but one i havent been to" Jasper laughed and didint argue with him. "Alright get ready so we can head out" He said as he played with his keys.

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