To a new Forrest!

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David put on something else than his uniform. he wanted to look decent. he tied his boot shoe laces. Jasper waited outside. David ran out there, "Alright lets go!" David went into the passengers seat. he then started the car and started driveing. David looked out the window.

"How old are you now Jasper?" Jasper smiled. "18" David nodded "ooh yeah okay im 17...time sure dose fly" David said. it was quiet, a comfterble silence.

"Im hungry though so were gonna go to a gas station" Jasper said breaking the silence. David nodded. Thay made a stop at an old Gas station. "Alright heh" he smiled and got out of the car with david.

Thay walked in and looked around Jasper looked at the cooler and Grabed a cold beer. David noticed, "Jas you drink beer???" Jasper nodded "sometimes". "hmm well... thats your last one its bad for your health" David said. Jasper giggiled "okaay"

David got a Peace tea and thay both got small Apple pies. Thay walked around the Gas station "Eeewww country music" Jasper said as he walked around and looked at the Books. "You dont like Contry??" David asked.

Jasper looked through the Romance books and laughed. he put them back. "No...i mean..its okay i just prefer Gwen Stefani or Ne yo...oh! and Mariah Carey" David smiled. "Well i like them to.." he noticed Jasper looking at the romance books.

"heh you like thoses??" Jasper put them down "Of course not!" he laughed "i cant beleive my mom read this stuff" David looked at the stuffed animals. "ooh.." Jasper looked back at him. "Come on lets go" Thay paid for the items and walked back to the Car.

Before Jasper started driveing he opend his glove compartment and pulled out his pack of Marlboro's Ciggerets. He got his lighter and started smokeing. David was like this the whole time " >:O?? "

Jasper noticed, "Hmm?" David leand his head back. "you smoke too??" he looked out the window away from Jasper he rolld down.the window as he did so.

"isint that bad for your braces? because i know its bad for your health" David asked. Jasper started driving, "kinda...heh these roads are kinda spooky at night" David smiled "yeah are you scared??". Jasper smerked "Not one bit...get ready"

"For what??" David asked bolth of the windows are down. he turnd on his radio and speeded down the empty road. "JASPER OMG" David quickly put on his seatbelt. He looked at Jasper and didint realized he kinda looked really hot.

The wind was blowing though his dirty blonde hair, Ciggeret hanging from his mouth driveing with a smile. David caught himself stareing. he touched his freckled filled face and noticed it was all hot. "Damn it Jasper" He noticed he cursed and put his hand over his mouth. luckly Jasper didint hear.

Jasper Gasped "OH I LOVE THIS SONG ITS SO RAD!" he hired the volume and sang along. David was laughing at Jasper and how he was acting. the song ended and Jasper slowed down the car.

Thay drove in the forest and stoped the car. Jasper finished his ciggeret. "dont drop your ciggeret outside on the ground okay" Jasper nodded and just left it in his car. thay both got out, David sat on the car hood and Jasper leand on the car. he set his beer on the hood.

"The sky is so pretty♡" Jasper looked up at it. David shruged "Heh i get this view all the time." Jasper ate his apple pie and left his box im the car. David looked at Jaspers drink. "Can i try that?" Jasper nodded amd handed it to him. "Here babe" David is shook by that lil name.

He grabs it "Thanks" and sips it. He then spits it out "Eww Jasper i cant belive you drink that its so nasty" he handed it back to him. "Jasper looked at his drink, "Hmm...suit yourself" he finished his drink and left it in the car cup holder.

David got off and picked some flowers. he made them into a bracelet. "Here Jas" he handed it to Jasper. "Awwh Tubular!! i love it!" he put it on. David blushed "awhh darn dont thank me" Jasper and David looked up at the sky "heh its a full moon tonight" Thay said at the same time.

Thay whipped there heads at eatchother and did finger guns "Aaayyeee" thay said at the same time. The moon gave enough light for them. "Lets go walk around" David said holding Jaspers hand. As thay walked leaves and sticks crunching under there feet.

Jasper moved some tree brantches and saw some flat land and a pretty lake. The moon made the water shine. "DAVEY LOOK!" David came out and gasped "ITS SO PRETTY"

Jasper smiled "We should go crazy tonight." David looked at him "what do you mean?" he blushed as certain thoughts crossed his mind. "Nobody can hear us we can scream and yell as loud as we want! and run around with ower shirts off playing tag or something" Jasper sugested.

David smiled "i guess so..." he looked at Jasper, "Omg what are you doing???" Jasper laughed "im gonna run around and  yell" he said as he took off his shirt. David blushed, "o-oh...whoa i forgot you had a scar from that time.." he looked at the claw marks on Jaspers chest.

Jasper looked at his scar "ooh..yeah that.." David eyes sparkled "Can i uh...touch it?" he blushed, so did Jasper. "S-sure" David put his fingers lightly down Jaspers scar, Jasper got chills at the small touches. "wowie" he moved his hand and blushed.

David took off his shirt and Jasper giggiled at all the lil freakles on his torso. David pushed Jasper. "TAG YOUR IT" he started running and Jasper chased after him. Jasper ran too. his shoes lighting up as he ran. David looked back at him and Laughed Causing him to fall.

Jasper Jogged an help David up. "Awh are u okay???" David then jumped on Jasper and held his arms down Jasper blushed at this action. David growld and laughed. "You fought a bear once but can you fight a wolf leader!??" Jasper smiled and moved out of Davids grasp.

"I can!" he rawred and the 2 started rough housing like 2 young boys. after a while David pulled on Jaspers hair "WHOA OK HOME SKILLET THATS ENOUGH" Jasper said David pulled Jaspers head back "What are you going to be defeated???" David said in a breathy voice, This made Jasper blush alot. "Nooooo" Jasper pleaded

"okaay thenn" David pulled on more of Jaspers hair. "OKAY U WIN THIS TIME" David let go "yaay" he smiled and pranced around. Jasper shook his head and blushed. his fluffy hair a mess.

"We should swim" David pointed to the lake. "Jasper smiled "yeah.."

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