Chapter eight ~ Here they come

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The people where heavily dressed in shinny silver armor. I spread my wings and slung my tail down violently, letting out sharp metal spikes and my wings turning to metal with sharp ends. I climbed through the tops of the trees ,my wings tucked in so I don't cut any branches. Using my claws on my hands and feet I just glided through the forest. Finally I reached the end, the men where almost here. I climbed back over the clear path and waited.

They where here one walked towards the cave the others scattered in the forest. I took this as an opportunity I flew above the trees back to the cave and landed on the tree closest to the open area waiting for one to come out. Finally a man came out of the woods. I came up behind him tripping on the way one of my spikes came out I could use this. I was behind him looking back at my tail and thought about my plan a little more. I couldn't just hit him with a spike and take him out. " No name?" I whispered. No response, I knew he was there but not why he was ignoring me. I focused back on my prey, opening my spikes I slung my tail at the man. My aim was very off three spikes came off two going to the left and one going straight through his chest. He screamed which was very bad because I heard the others. Nineteen more to go I thought, but more importantly I had to find somewhere good to hide.

I found a place back in the trees. Maybe I could run them off? no! These humans have been nothing but bad to me so I'll return the favor.

 After hours of watching and planing I had it. I took action.when the all people were in one area by making rustling and cracking sticks. I tagged them along in to a small circle clearing. I stood over on a tree branch my white hair fell into view. "THE WHITE DEVIL!" they screamed. I paused one ran off then I realized I had to act. Putting my sharp wings out, I flew around cutting every tree where they fall on to the people then going up above it. No more sound was made.

Now  time to take care of the one. I flew down the only path he could safely go through Thinking of a plan I had no idea what I was going to do. I made it to the end hopefully first, there he was. I went back to my white scales and vary quickly going down to him. I raped my tail around his neck and landed. He struggled for a minuet then fell unconscious. I unwrapped my tail from is neck, he fell. I took off his armor , Which was surprisingly easy, then patted down his body. On him was one big sword off his back and three knifes. I checked again to make sure he was unarmed. Once I was positive he had nothing else I grabbed his leg with my tail and dragged him through the path. While I was walking I realized he had to be tied down or else he would run. Half way there I saw a sturdy looking vine so I grabbed it.

Finally I well we reached the cave. Looking back he was starting to move I knew I had to move fast. I brought him in the cave and then realized I don't know how to tie a knot. I warped the vine around his hands over and over. It looked tight enough to at least scare him. I went out of my half dragon form ,I shouldn't need it.

After a few minuets he woke up rambling in shock. "white devil" he whispered. He went to grab a weapon then noticed he was reduced down to a brown shirt and some white shorts. " listen I have three kids Lara, Eddy, and Ally. Please I'll leave you alone I'll quit the army I'll I'll" he began to stutter. If I used my tricks ,which I don't have much of, I'll have to use some of No name's. I needed a plan. "I'll tell you what I may be able to cut you a deal" I told him smiling "Yes I'll do anything what do you want" he pleaded. To be honest I had no deal, what do I want no need from him.

"Where am I" I asked him

He answered faster than I expected " your in the maku Yama on the south east Parma."

"What is parma" I kept a stern voice to try to intimidate him.

I could tell he got nervous " well we used to just call this Continent Map but now its Parma "

"And Maku Yama?" I asked

"It's the mountain of the dragon god Maku." He said

Well he did do tell me everything I want maybe I could let him live. He could tell I was debating. In one last hope for freedom he said. "You can come to my place we don't have much but you can come." He thought this would make me trust him or something. I walked over and unwrapped him.

I glared at him and said "Leave before I change my mind and kill you."  

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