Chapter seven ~ energy

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We stared at each other my eyes narrowing. I reached down into the stack of birds, grabbing a small one with a sharp beak.

I stood up and launched towards him the birds beak as a weapon. He moved and I fell on the floor of the cave. He laughed for far to long before talking.

"Are you trying to kill me " he laughed again "Well you seem back on your feet anyway. looks like I wasted all my time killing those half-bloods"

"why" I struggled to get up and changing topic "tell me what I need to know about my energy"

"well to start" he grabbed a pointed rock and drew a vertical rectangle starting to scribble in it "this shows how much energy you have walking, running, jumping and things like that takes next to no energy. So eating and sleeping is not necessary if you only do that for the day." He drew in about a half quarter of the way "this is how much energy it takes to turn into a wolf." He thew some on what he drew in then drew a quarter of it "this is how much it takes to turn into a half dragon." He thew dirt on it and started drawing again this time half of it "this is how much it takes to take on a full dragon form you'll need food or rest after any of this." He handed me a large white bird with yellow feathers coming off it's head. I began to pick off it's feathers.

He continued "but none of this matters if you lose a life"

"A life?" I asked him

"yes you get a life for each creature obviously one for human and one for any other." he hesitated "but you may have one or two"

"So which is it one or two" I asked

He laughed "we won't know till you die"

I wasn't happy with that answer by then I had the bird plucked and was eating it with a mouthful I asked him. "So these are half-bloods?" he replied quick "yes they give you more energy. Do you have a problem with it?" He said that last part joking I think. "No I was just curious" I told him. I ate about 7 more medium birds I felt much better. I turned into my half dragon form and walked to the exit of the cave, for once no name had nothing to say but I just remembered. I turned around and walked back to him. He was waiting for me with his legs crossed and smiling.

"Why did my ears go away? What happened to the bear? AND why did I black out?!" I pelted him with questions.

He gave a smile "I left the body. You just didn't have the energy to go on after." he paused "and as for the bear she was a soilder so I took care of her"

I didn't question any farther. I walked away for real this time. Outside the cave was a large open grass area. This will be my home. I was still in my half dragon form I flew just above the trees to land on the top of the highest one I looked down and saw an army of twenty coming my way.

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