Chapter two ~ Hopes life

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"Hello!! My name is Hopeless but I just call myself Hope." An exited voice said. It was silent. " What's your name." It was silent again. Looking down at the rat she said " I think I'll just call you Mr. Barly".

Then there was a loud bang on the door. " Are you talking to dead animals again!" It was Arthur, I didn't like him very much. "No" I replied ,but I got no answer back. I didn't let it bother me though.

Looking around my room ,I decided I needed to change it. I've changed my room many times before. I looked around looking from the door my bed was in the top right corner next to it a dresser, a table and chair in the left corner and a rug in the middle of the floor. "How should I change this" I said to myself.

I heard muffled talking from outside the door, guess I won't be changing my room today. I ran over to the door with my chair, stood up on it and looked out the bared window.The guards where switching "Oh I i really hope it's not Liva" I whispered to myself. I saw Arthur, Charlie, and Liva standing outside the door talking. I could feel my tail wagging Charlie had his lunch and mine, but I knew mine wouldn't be eaten. all I get to eat is rice, a meat, and a fruit with some water. But charlie gets to eat at a thing called a buffet and he always brings me some. I wander what he brought me today maybe fish or chicken with vegetables. I got a little lost in food thoughts.

Then I saw Arthur and Liva walk away, Charlie waved. He stood by the door for a second then went to unlock the door.I quickly ran and put my chair back and sat on my bed smiling. He walked in and began talking right away. " So what are you waiting for your hungry right" he said holding up the basket smiling. I ran to him and garbed the basket, and we walked to my table. I started taking out the paper raped squares. In the first one which was the biggest was a chicken breast, the next was smaller and it was green beans, then aside in the basket was an apple and a small loaf of bread. I was so excited then he handed me a glass of milk. This was a normal lunch but the milk was not something I got often.

Charlie was always nice to me even though I am in jail. Although I don't really understand why I'm here. No one will tell me Arthur and Liva say I don't deserve to know, But charlie said I don't want to know. I've been here for 5 years and some months I don't really keep up, I only know what Charlie tells me. He taught me all the conman knowledge like how there 24 months in a year and 48 hours in a day, he went to school for almost a whole 4 years before he got drafted to be a soldier then he trained for two years in the army and got put here. He told me he was born in the icy island and wanted to be a teacher ,that is what he trained to be at school, but he always tells me that he is happier with me instead of being with a bunch of random children he does not know.

"Hey" I wonder why he came to the main island "Hey".Why couldn't he just be a teacher there? "HEY" " Oh. what?" it was Charlie."Aren't you hungry" Charlie said with a concerned look "Yes I just got a little lost in thought". "well go on and eat" he said smiling. So I started eating, It was really good.

We talked for a long time after I ate. Sadly the time came where he had to go "Its Liva's turn isn't it?" I asked Charlie in a sad tone as he was leaving he replied "Yes but don't be upset she is not that bad." "Ok" I told him. He walked outside and after a few seconds I heard the mumbling.

I stated thinking about what we talked about "The outside world" I covered my mouth oops I wasn't suppose to say anything. But off of that, Hunting, playing, farms, other people, shops, money and more. I didn't even know there was a world outside, I mean I knew there where other islands and people but not like this.I really want to see this other world, but for a five year old child that would be impossible."Impossible. Really" I jumped off the bed looking for where the sound came from but I had no luck. All of a sudden I felt well sleepy, I could barely hold my eyes open.

"HEY BRAT WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE" It was Liva. Then I was ,just like that, awake again. "Nothing ma'am" if I didn't answer like that she would have my butt looking around I have knocked over my table and chair. She started to talk again " fine but I am not satisfied with your answer". She was the meanest wolf half blood I have ever meet. I don't know why she was so mean to me I'm a wolf half blood too, so how was I any different from Arthur. But I won't let it bother me, or at least I will try.

"Now it was time to go to bed" I said out loud sighing. I go and lay down in my bed throwing my pillow in the floor. I never use that pillow or blanket I actually tore up the blanket. I looked over to the corner at the shredded blanket " well at least it was fun " I said. I Walked in to the bathroom and looked at myself I had white wolf ears and tail and white hair that went to my knees. Like I always did I wore my white dress, I had other color options but I liked white so I'm going to wear white. I was short too although I guess I fit in this tiny room. My bathroom was small it had a toilet against the middle of the back wall a mirror on the left wall and a bucket of water by the door. I guess I was done looking at myself so I walked back to my bed. On my way I turned in to my wolf form when I got to my bed I jumped up and curled up in the middle of the bed then went to sleep.

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