Chapter ten ~ bonding

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I was back in the broken down house I turned around to look for the dragon, but he was nowhere to be found. I found myself in my half dragon form. I tried going out of it but I couldn't, oh well it shouldn't matter. I walked around and noticed I was on a mountain. Flying up what was even stranger I recognized the area. I had to see if this is where I lived.

I made it to the bottom and no surprise I found my cave, I had to go in. There we where koyō and I laying down curled up. I ran out on my hands and feet. There he stood the dragon.

"Maku" I whispered

"Speak up" he said with a deep voice

I balled my hands in anger " you are the dragon god Maku! You put me in this mess!" I told him.

He smiled, which made me angryer, and said " No you put yourself in this problem. I'm trying to set you straight."

I crossed my arms and gave him a look. He sighed and again with the purple fire.

I was half asleep. "hey" there was a whisper in my ear. I closed my eyes tighter and then just went back to normally closed. I felt a pain in my side Koyō yelled "time to get up!" I opened my eyes and picked up my head Koyō was jumping in circles laughing. I let out a little smile he looked at me and gave a full tooth smile. I quit smiling, got up, walked to the exit of the cave and said "come on you need to learn how to live out here" I told him. He smiled and followed me.

We made it to the woods "okay  Koyō the second most important thing is food you have to be able to eat." I told him he was sitting down with his ears up listing. "Watch me" I said he was clearly confused. I walked and he followed. We walked to a clearing with three deer  Koyō obediently sat down and watched. I crouched down and snuck up to the edge the ran biting the largest female in the neck until she died. I dropped my kill and looked up he was gone. I had to find him he'll never make it. 

I ran for almost a full hour looking for him. Then I saw two brown ears bobbing through the bushes. I sat down and out came Koyō still in his coyote form with a black rabbit in his mouth. He walked up to me and dropped the black rabbit. " look look look I did it!" he jumped back and forth in a playful motion. Then he jerked up in a sitting position "what's next!" he said excitedly. I was starting to like this kid. I raised one eyebrow and smiled "Ok now my fast learner now you have to learn to protect yourself, the most important thing." we walked to the open grass area. On the way I went out of my wolf form. Waving my tail back and forth I turned around Koyō was doing the same.

We made it to the large open area. I had to think of a good way to teach Koyō. I looked down at him just now noticing how little he was maybe he can run fast. "You run and I'll chase you if I catch you you lose." I told him. Koyō got a wide smile on his face "tag!" he said. "Sure whatever you want to call it. We start... Now!" he ran away quickly. I stood there for a moment watching him run, a smile ran across my face. As soon as he went out of sight I ran after him. Picking up his sent imminently I followed it just like a trained solider would. I followed it to the woods, he was smarter than I thought. Footprints and his smell covered a large area, but he used a simple trick I recognized right off. He rolled in some mud to hide his sent then hid somewhere obvious, I should know I've used it plenty of times. Now where to look then I heard a little cough coming from a large fallen tree. I walked over slowly emphasizing my heels to toes. It fell quiet, I sat on the only open end of the fallen tree. Just as I thought he crawled out of the tree. He began to run but I jumped down and got him, he just turned around and giggled. "Let's go home" I said. on the way we got washed off in a stream.

After a long walk home we sat out side the mouth of the cave. 

"How old are you?" Koyō asked.

"Fifteen" I answered 

"Do you miss your home" he asked

"No" I answered

"Do you miss your home" I asked

He looked down "yes" he said

He looked at me and said "but I have you and your my mamma now"

I looked at his cloths "we're going to town and finding a job, get you some new cloths, some proper food, and social interaction." 

he smiled and said "ok!" kicking his feet.

I let out a little laugh "for now lets go to bed."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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