Chapter five ~ Revenge

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Tears rolled down my face the anger I had was inevitable. He was lying.... Charlie would never! That evil boy broke the silence "You think I'm lying" he was so sympathetic "I just don't know what to do or who to believe" I said through the tears. With a smirk on his face he said "maybe I can help" he slowly walked to me and grabbed my arm then with a quick motion he bit me. Imminently I was dizzy then I fell to the ground slowly losing my vision.

I woke up in the oval room I couldn't control myself. I was flying close to the chains on the roof people yelling. I looked around all this was almost to much to take in. Seats where filled with people except for one end which had only a couple of people. The people yelling was almost too much but one stood out "TAKE HER DOWN!". I was in one place flying then I felt a sharp pain in my right wing all of a sudden I couldn't fly I fell to the ground. Then a loud noise came from the other side of the cage I looked over and there was a bear. My instinct was to run but I wasn't in control. A purple thick liquid started coming from my mouth. I ran to the bear and bit him he growled in pain he's hair beginning to fall out then he fell out dead. Then people began to run at me with spears and pushed and poked me into a small cage.

I jumped out of a laying position. He was still there "who do you believe now" he said with a short laugh and that same stupid smirk.

"What was that!" I told him.

"I just shared a memory with you it's simple really" he was proud of him self.

"why that one" I asked.

"Simple question simple answer." He said playfully "to prove my point."

"I don't understand" I told him

He was serious "you seem really attached to this Charlie guy.. He is not your friend! In that memory you may not have noticed but HE shot you out of the sky and HE put you in that little cage."

"IS NOT." I walked away to the edge of the rock. He wouldn't. Charlie is the best. I put my hands over my head and shook it side to side. "this can't be true" I whispered. The boy walked up to me and said "I can take care of it just give me half control of this body and you can be free" with out a second thought I wiped my tear stained face and said "yes. Anything to get away." He smiled and turned to a fine dust that fell on me.

We flew above the clouds back to the stone building this time going to the front. A blue flame came from my wings and tail. We stood on the roof looking in "The first line of defense has on leather let me take care of it" no name said that's what I'll call him if he refuses to give a name. We waited till their guard down the we flew in quickly caching the guards on fire. After we finished he flew us up to hide unlighting the fire. I watched as the people ran out of the door. "47 must be a special occasion" no name was quick to say "hey don't tal-" my tail covered my mouth. no name was quick to talk again "no you don't talk they can't hear me but they can hear youI talk and you listen." I'm so sick of this guy telling me what to do. listening to their screams I felt an awful feeling I had never felt before. I gave them one last look a battle ground with people who stood no chance nothing but black was left. The next 2 rows where the same the we reached a hall of metal doors no name spoke again. "Give me control I'll show you how to take care of this.It won't last long." I don't know why I accepted. He got on hands and feet walking towards an open door I heard some voices I recognized. Liva and Arthur no. I don't like them but not like this. "stop" empty words I knew I could not speak. He got to the door and rushed in spikes sharp as razer blades come from my tail cutting Arthur across the chest then closing the spikes where they lay down. Liva rushed at us with a sword no name stabbed her in the chest no name losses control. I stare at the blood staid floor, my feelings went numb.

We well at this point mostly me killed 7 more men and women. I made it to the oval room everyone was distracted by a ceremony of some sort the crowd was cheering expect one crying child. Off focus of that back on task, the end of the few people no name said they did this I climbed the wall and got a look. all of it was wood other than the chain cover I blew a blue flame onto the wood and ran off out the door making a mad dash to freedom.

At the front I was confronted by Charlie "Oh I missed you" I told him but the felling was not neutral. His grip on his sword was so tight his hand turned pale white he let out a sigh "how could you" tears rolled down his face. Before I could act he ran at me out of reflex I swung at him with a sharp tail cutting from right to left from his chest to his neck.

I flew away far away...

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