The Cover Up

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Floating into the kitchen where the rest of her friends resigned making or eating food she made her presence known given she had news to tell. But before she could say anything all she could hear was bickering. "Seriously Rae I don't know why you wear that all the time nobody can see your beautiful face" Beastboy mocked. Truth be told he really did think she was beautiful.

" First of all it's Raven and second of all did you ever think I rather not be seen all of the time, I'm perfectly fine under here." Beastboy spat out a lizard tounge all the way over to Raven's hood falling from her violet hair leaving Raven mad and ready to strike him. She was cut short.

Star decided to intervene quit loudly. "Everybody I am excited to to share that I am going to the mall of shopping today. Raven would you like to accompany me on the trip of shopping?" She asked wholeheartedly.

"No" Raven said in her usual monotone voice while sipping her tea. " ooooh please friend Raven it would be most wondrous to enjoy your company at the mall of shopping while we purchase the expensive clothing materials." Raven looked up from her tea mug to adress starfire once more.  "I said no Star."

Rae's pov
"Please please please friend Raven if you accompany me I promise we can go to the store of books. I will even purchase one for you." Starfire preached. "I didn't realize you had any talent in the bribe department star...  uugh fine I'll go with you."

I get up from the kitchen table to freshen up.

" You know Raven I'm glad that you decided to get out of the house for once it should be nice for you to hang with a friend for a day!" Robin intervened.

I turn away from him and walk to my room." Sure whatever"

3rd POV
At the mall Raven and Starfire walked around until they found a Victoria's Secret Starfire thought she would buy most of her items from there so thats were they planned most of their time.

"Are you done yet Star I kind of would like to get that book you promised me before the end of the day." Walking out of the change room with yet another diamond filled bra Starfire looked at Raven with much passion. " I promise you friend Raven we will get the book but first you have to try on.... you do not have anything in your hands friend Raven there has to be something in here you adore yes?"

Raven shook her head disinterested in the conversation and at this point the trip too. "Well I think you should search for something in the store you would like to purchase while I try on more of the items and maybe you will find something the special. Also I will purchase articels of the clothing for you so that you have many items to take home with us!"

Raven gave a half smile to Star then turned away to search for something interesting in the store. She dreaded the journey she was about to take. It's not that she had anything against the store she actually liked Victoria's Secret it had decent clothing though she never bought much seeing as it was too pricy.She looked through some of the track suits but just cringed at the prices and walked away. Raven was now in the lengerie section ready to give up when she looked up to find a vibrant silk robe the colour of violet... or was it blue. She didn't care it was just the most beautiful piece of fabric she had ever layed eyes on.

She payed for the item happily
As she thanks and takes her bag from the cashier Starfire had gathered all the products she was buying for Raven and her. Once they were ready to leave Raven transported them and the clothes to the tower

Into the common room Raven took her things and floated to her room with her hood on her head. " Hey Rae Rae what you get from the mall?" "Nothing" She floats through the door shutting it behind her (the doors are automatic whatever).

"IT'S CLEARLY SOMETHING, YOU HAVE BAGS IN YOUR.. uhh never mind."He shrugs and walks away after realizing he's talking to himself

Rae's pov
I took out all of my clothes and tried them all on Starfire mostly got me track suits and workout clothing, she has nice taste when considering others. I put the robe on my bed in excitement. Why am I excited over a robe. Weird. It's just so beautiful. I notice there's a last bag I neglected, I pick it up off the floor and put it on my bed I reach in it and pull out multiple pairs of bras and underwear. Really? I use both hands to take everything out whaaat *knock knock* I open the door

" Raven I just wanted to thank you for a marvellous trip today and the happy good  " No problem Star but you still owe me that book."
"I know." revealing her arms from behind her back she held the sequel to the book I was reading. " Star Thank you."

I give her a quick hug before I end up braking something with my emotions. "I am the glad you like it."

We part ways for the night and I go back to my. Business. I take all the lengerie and put it away except for a beautiful black bralette. It had lace coming down the front of the boobs it was nice. I was surprised with how this day is going

I wash and get ready for bed when I'm done I put my hair up and put the full set of lengerie and robe on to sleep in before heading to my bed I stop and look in my mirror. I look nice. I head to to bed and let sleep take me.


In the morning I make my way to the kitchen for breakfast as I walk closer everybody's eyes seem to land on me. Now they're are just gawking at me.
"Aaaaahhh" Starfire screams hurting the ears of everyone in the tower even silky had to crawl away. We are the twinning"!" I looked at her confused when I finally realized she was wearing a hot pink silk robe with a white bralette lace popping out in the front. Oh no that means I.... damn. I left my night outfit on for everyone to see.

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