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Atemu was pacing nervously in the waiting room of the ER at Domino General Hospital.

As soon as the ambulance had arrived at the hospital, doctors had taken Yugi and were looking at him to see what needed to be done.

As much as Atemu didn't want to leave Yugi, he knew that he needed to in order to let the doctors do what they needed to for Yugi. Atemu remained in the waiting room after assuring Yugi that he would be there when he got out.

'What happened? Who would do this to Yugi? How could someone do this to him?' Atemu asked himself as he continued to pace.


Atemu turned to see Akefia, Mariku, and Seth walk into the waiting room.

"How is he?" Akefia asked.

"I don't know. Doctors are examining him now." Atemu said, wringing his hand. He had a tendency to wring his hands when he was worried or upset.

"Any idea what happened?" Seth asked.

Atemu shook his head. "I didn't even bother to as Yugi. I was too worried about his safety to ask something like that." Atemu said.

"When I find out who did this, I swear that I am going to kill them." Akefia growled.

"And I'll help you." Mariku added.

Atemu covered his mouth. He just wanted to know if Yugi was going to be okay.

Seth placed a hand on Atemu's shoulder.

Atemu turned to look at Seth.

"He's going to be okay, Atemu. The doctors here are going to take care of Yugi." Seth told him.

"I want to believe that, Seth. I really do, but I'm having trouble with it." Atemu said. He started pacing slowly again. He covered his mouth and took a deep breath. "I keep seeing Yugi lying there. I just-I don't understand how someone could do that to Yugi." Atemu said. He squeezed his eyes shut as tears started to fall.

Seth walked forward and forced Atemu to sit down. "He'll be okay, Atemu." Seth said.

Atemu wasn't sure what to say. He wiped the tears away. "It's just makes me feel so guilty when I think about the fact that while we were all sitting at that club having fun, someone was beating Yugi." Atemu said.

"None of us knew to expect this." Seth said.

"If any of us had had an inkling as to what was happening, we would have been at that house." Akefia added.

"Yeah. We may be bastards, but we don't take to people doing that." Mariku added.

Atemu nodded. He knew that they would all have helped kill the person who had done this to Yugi if they knew, but they hadn't known, so there was nothing that they could do.

A doctor walked out. "Who's here for Yugi Mutou?" the doctor asked.

"We are." Atemu said, standing up.

The doctor walked over. "I'm Dr. Morlan. I'll be taking care of Yugi." the doctor said.

"Is Yugi going to be all right?" Atemu asked.

"Your friend took quite the beating. We're going to have to do a total check-up on him to see what kind of injuries he had." Dr. Morlan said.

"How bad is it?" Akefia asked.

Dr. Morlan nodded. "It looks like he's taken a lot of blows to his stomach and back. We're not sure what kind of damage has been done. We also don't know if there has been any damage from the blows to the head. We just want to make sure that there has been no extensive damage. We also need to see if we need to do any surgery on him." Dr. Morlan said.

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