Date part 2

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The following Monday, Yugi, Yami, and Atemu were all walking home after they had gotten out of school that day. 

"So, what are we going to do now?" Yugi asked.

Yami and Atemu glanced at each other. They weren't sure what to say because they were supposed to go to the ice skating rink so that they could begin their lessons on ice skating for their date with Yugi.

"Well?" Yugi asked, looking back at his boyfriends.

"We really don't know, Yugi." Atemu said.

'Damn. We didn't think about something like this. I'm not sure what kind of excuse we can come up with to get ourselves out of this mess.' Yami thought. He wondered how they were going to get out of the house with their ice skates without Yugi noticing.

The three walked into the Game Shop and found Solomon behind the counter.

Solomon smiled at the three when he saw them. "Welcome home, boys. How was school today?" Solomon asked.

"It was fine, Grandpa." Yugi said.

"Well, I could use your help in the shop, Yugi." Solomon said.

"Sure thing." Yugi said. It wasn't unusual for him to help in the shop, so it didn't bother him in the least.

"And I need you two to run some errands for me." Solomon said, looking at Yami and Atemu.

The two nodded.

'So much for practice.' Yami thought.

Yugi headed upstairs to put his bag in his room.

"Grandpa, we were supposed to go for that ice skating lesson today." Atemu said quietly so that there wouldn't be a chance of Yugi hearing.

"I know that, Atemu. I don't really have errands for you to run. It's just an excuse so that you two can get out of the house for a few hours without Yugi becoming suspicious. You'll be running a lot of errands for me for a while." Solomon said.

Yami and Atemu looked shocked.

Solomon chuckled. "I figured that you two might not have thought ahead to how you would get out of the house without Yugi noticing, so I did this." Solomon said.

Yami smiled. "Thanks, Grandpa. We really appreciate this." Yami said.

"Don't mention it. Now, get upstairs and put those skates in a bag. I'll say you're taking it somewhere." Solomon said.

The two nodded before heading upstairs.

Once in their room with the door shut, Yami got the ice skates out from under their bed and stuffed them into a bag.

"I'm glad that Grandpa thought of this. We hadn't even considered what we would do to get to the ice rink today." Atemu said.

"Don't remind me." Yami said.

The two then headed back downstairs and found Yugi was already in the Game Shop with Solomon.

"Now go you two. I expect you to have that done by dinnertime." Solomon said as he handed Yami a list with fake errands.

"Sure thing. Bye, Yugi." Yami said, kissing Yugi.

"Bye." Yugi said.

"We'll see you later, Little One." Atemu added, kissing Yugi as well.

The two then left.

Yugi smiled dreamily after them.

Solomon cleared his throat. "Could I have your attention now, Yugi?" Solomon asked.

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