Comfort and Revelation

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Yami and Atemu were still trying to calm Yugi down, but it wasn't working. 

Yugi was far too upset to calm down. He just kept crying.

"Yugi, it's okay. We're right here. He's not going to hurt you again." Yami said as he rubbed Yugi's back gently, hoping to calm his Hikari down.

Atemu was also doing his best to calm Yugi down. "You don't have to be afraid now, Yugi. You're safe. We're here, and there is no way that John is going to hurt you again." Atemu added.

Slowly, Yugi sobs started to subside.

Yami and Atemu took this as a sign that Yugi was starting to calm down.

Finally, Yugi had stopped crying, but he was still very upset.

Yami could easily see that Yugi was still upset about all that had happened.

"I'm sorry." Yugi said in a hoarse voice, his throat hurting from how much he had been crying. He wiped the tears away.

"Yugi, you don't need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." Yami said.

"He's right. Besides, you have kept your emotions bottled up inside for too long." Atemu added.

"I just keep thinking about everything he did to me and how weak I am." Yugi said.

"Yugi, you are not weak." Yami said.

"But-" Yugi started.

"Yugi, you're still blaming yourself for what happened when you never did anything wrong. John was the one at fault in all this, not you." Atemu said.

"I guess I heard him say it so much that I actually started to believe it." Yugi said in a small voice.

"Yugi, don't believe anything that he told you. He was wrong." Yami said.

"But-" Yugi started.

"No, Yugi. He was wrong about anything he said. John never took the chance to get to know the real you, or he would know that he was wrong about everything." Yami said.

"He's right. There's a lot more to you than he thinks, and he was very wrong to decide to do what he did to you." Atemu said.

"I guess." Yugi said although it was obvious that Yugi wasn't convinced.

'We're going to have to work on his self-esteem.' Yami thought, knowing that John's actions had caused a major blow to it.

"Yugi, please believe us when we say that he was wrong about anything he said to you, and he had no right to do what he did to you. There is no excuse for what he was doing to you." Atemu added.

"I know he didn't." Yugi said.

"I'm glad that you know that much." Yami said.

"I guess it'll just take a while before I actually believe that." Yugi said.

"Well, you'll have us here to help you through this." Atemu said.

Yugi managed a small smile. "Thank you." Yugi said.

"Sure thing." Yami said.

"Yugi, why don't you get some rest?" Atemu asked.

"Okay. I'll try." Yugi agreed.

Yami and Atemu stood up.

"We'll be downstairs if you need anything." Yami said.

Yugi nodded.

Atemu and Yami then left the room.

Yugi lay down and closed his eyes, trying to go to sleep.

* * * * *

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