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Yami and Atemu were floored by what they had just heard. They were both having trouble believing that they were the ones that Yugi had been in love with. 

Both had assumed that it would be someone else in the school that Yugi had been in love with.

It had never occurred to them that Yugi might have feelings for them.

Yugi bit his lip as he fought the tears. He had known that telling them would be a bad idea. He knew that nothing good could come of it because Yami and Atemu had each other, and they would probably stop being friends with him now that they knew. After all, they would probably only be thinking about the fact that Yugi felt that way about them.

Yami and Atemu were still in a state of shock, but they were now able to look at each other.

Yugi took the slightest step backwards.

The action didn't go unnoticed by Yami or Atemu.

Both turned to look at Yugi and were wondering what on earth was the matter with him.

"Yugi?" Yami asked, taking a step toward his Hikari.

"I'm sorry! I know that you two have each other, and I'm sorry about this! I never intended to tell you about any of this! I would never try to come between you! I'm trying to get over you, and I promise that I would never try anything to make you love me! I swear that I'm not going to try anything! I just don't want to lose you two as friends!" Yugi said, the tears starting to fall.

Yami and Atemu were both shocked by this, but they realized how much this affected Yugi.

Yami put a hand on Yugi's shoulder. "Yugi, stop! You need to calm down. We're not angry with you. And we wouldn't have been angry if you had told us before. Nothing could ever make us angry with you. Not on the level you think." Yami said.

"But it changes everything." Yugi said.

"Yeah. I suppose so." Yami said.

Yugi tensed. He was fearful of what would happen now.

Yami frowned. He knew why Yugi was so upset, but he didn't know how to reassure Yugi without revealing how they felt about Yugi.

Atemu was thinking the same thing that Yami was. 'Well, it couldn't hurt.' Atemu thought. He took a step forward.

Yami heard it and stepped aside, figuring that Atemu knew what to say.

Yugi became even tenser, thinking Atemu might be angry.

What Atemu ended up doing shocked Yugi and Yami both to the core.

Instead of saying anything, Atemu simply pulled Yugi into a kiss.

Yami's jaw dropped. THAT was not what he had expected his lover to do.

Yugi's eyes were wide as he was being kissed by one of the two that he loved. He wasn't sure what to think at the moment. In fact, he wasn't able to think. All that was registering was that Atemu was kissing him. HIM of all people!

Yami watched the two. 'Hmm. Watching them kiss is rather enjoyable. I could get used to this.' Yami thought, smirking.

Atemu finally broke the kiss.

Yugi took a deep breath from the lack of air.

"Hmm. We were right. He does taste sweet." Atemu said.

Yugi turned bright red at the words.

"Couldn't think of anything else?" Yami asked.

Atemu shrugged. "It should have at least gotten some of the point across. You didn't seem to have any better ideas." Atemu said.

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