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The following morning, Yugi woke up rather disoriented. The pain he felt wasn't anything new. He'd been waking up in pain for the last few months, so that didn't bother him.

It was the beeping that bothered him as well as the slight pain in his arm.

Yugi opened his eyes and realized that he was in the hospital and was hearing the beeping of the heart monitor and feeling the needles in his arm.

Yugi bit his lip.

The memories of the abuse that John had put him through came flooding back.

Tears filled Yugi's eyes as the pain of what John had done crashed into him.

Arms suddenly wrapped themselves around Yugi.

Yugi tensed and looked up fearfully.

Worry and concern filled Atemu's maroon eyes. He had seen Yugi start to cry, so he knew that Yugi needed him now.

Yugi relaxed once he realized that it was Atemu, not John.

"Its okay, Yugi. John isn't going to hurt you again. I promise." Atemu said.

Yugi nodded.

"Just take it easy." Atemu said.

Yugi leaned against Atemu, feeling safe for the first time in a long time.

Atemu just held Yugi, knowing that Yugi needed the comfort at the time.

* * * * *

Since none of them were really okay after finding out what had been happening to Yugi, Akefia and Mariku stayed at the Kaiba mansion with Seth the night before.

The next morning, the three were up early.

"All right. Let's go and see Yugi." Akefia said, anxious to see how Yugi was doing.

"Look. There's no need for us to go so early. We might as well eat breakfast first." Seth said.

"But-" Mariku started.

"Yugi is going to be pretty upset for a while, and I think Atemu would like to be alone with him for a while." Seth said.

"Yeah. I guess that's true." Akefia muttered.

"Gives us time to hunt John down and murder him!" Mariku growled.

"We're not doing that, either." Seth said.

"But-" Mariku started.

"No. The police are already looking for John, and we would be the prime suspects if he ended up dead or missing. Besides, I thought that we agreed that Yami would be the one who would get to deal with him." Seth said.

"I hate that we have to wait for him to get back." Akefia said as they sat down.

"Trust me. It'll take all of five seconds after Yami finds out what happened for him to explode and start to hunt for John." Seth said.

"That's true." Akefia said.

"When is Atemu planning to tell him?" Mariku asked.

"I don't know, but I really wouldn't want to be the one who has to tell Yami that someone was physically abusing his Hikari. That is something that will send Yami's temper into overdrive." Seth said as he ate his pancakes.

"I wouldn't want to be around when Yami was told, but I sure would want to be around when he gets his hands on John." Mariku said. He smirked. "That will certainly be a sight. I'm sure that John would never come within ten feet of Yugi ever again." Mariku said.

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