Chapter 8

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Next Day, i heard someone banging on my door, i woke up and saw the time, it was close to 9 AM and i had a class at 10 AM that means it is Pha at door. I got up and opened the door , yes it was Pha "i see that you are back to your old self, sleeping when there is class" he walked into my room after closing the door.

"Let me just tell this once Kit, I will never talk about it again" he said with a grim face "I can see what happened to you was terrible, i feel bad for the little boy who had to lose his innocence in such cruel manner, i also feel horrible for being such an ignorant friend all this time, never knowing but making fun at your fear for darkness. Hope you will forgive me", i said "Pha, you never knew, it is not something a 6th grade kid would ever imagine".

He hugged me once "still – I am sorry, but let me also say this..... from what I can see Ming loves you as much as I love Yo and i know he will never hurt you. It is in his eyes every time he sees you. You just have to look" I kept silent, but he continued "i am not saying to accept immediately, but you need to talk to him, he might be younger than us but he is matured in more ways". He was waiting for me to say something, but i just kept silent "Just talk to him, i want you to be happy more than anything, now go get ready to class".

We were sitting in Prof.Aunties class when my phone vibrates "it's good to see you better and smiling" - Ming, i turn and look around i do not see him anywhere. I replied back "how are you?" and i heard someone shouting "Yes" outside so loud that the whole class looks out, i just laughed and shook my head at Beam's questioning look.

"I am good, much much better now that you replied. I missed you Kit. Please don't do that ever to me" he responded. I typed "Okay. Can we meet for dinner tonight" and now we heard a loud joyful "Yupiee" and "Yes" before my phone vibrates "will pick you up at 8".

It's 7 45 and I came down to the apartment entrance, but Ming was already there waiting. He smiled and waved on seeing me, all faces around us turned to look who campus moon was waiting for, i felt myself turning red and said "cut it out Ming" and walked towards him. He still has his cast on, and looks like he has lost much weight but his eyes were ever sparkling "don't tell me you drove, how did you come Ming" i asked, he just shrugged and said "I walked, but you have to drop me while going back", it was just his way of making sure we spend more time but I felt glad.

We were at our usual table in the noodle shop and everyone was staring at the campus moon, but he didn't seem to register anyone other than me, and he wouldn't stop staring at my face. I couldn't help but blush "Stop staring, I am not going to disappear". "I never know Kit, i keep waiting but you keep disappearing..... Now that i see.. You look like you have been sick, are you alright? Is that why Pha or Beam was with you every night?" he started with all questions at once.

"Wait, i will answer all your questions – but tell me first, did you go to hospital? Has your hand healed? When is the cast coming off?" I asked he said that he has to go to the doctor the next day to get his cast removed, and was waiting for my answers which is not something I am ready to share tonight, so i decided to confess a different matter altogether.

"Ming, it is true that i like you, i am not going to lie to myself anymore. But please understand I need time to sort few things." His smile grew wider and softer when he heard me say that "That's all i need to know Kit, i will wait for you how much ever long you want me to ... please don't shut me out from your life ... my dear Kitkat" my heart skipped a beat on hearing those words and said 'then that's all there is, isn't it... now let's order some food I am starving.

We had a lovely dinner talking about sweet nothings and while driving back Ming asked "Kit, can i say that i am your boyfriend now to the world?" i looked at him with a smile but never answered, it was too soon for me, so i just said "Shut up, Ming". I dropped him in front of Wayo's apartment. I saw Pha and Wayo hide - trying to spy on us, i just shook my head and walked around to help Ming out of the car, but he was already out "Next time, wait for me to open the door" with a goofy smile. I just smiled and went closer to him and gave him a kiss on his lips "Thanks for waiting Ming". He was so shocked with his mouth open that it was funny.

I reached my room, and received texts from both Pha and Beam "check facebook". I logged in to see what the news – our freshmen Campus Moon had changed status from "Single" to "In a relationship" with a message – I am going to get my boy friend back.

This kid has no self control. I never fullyaccepted but the word "My boyfriend" sounded so bittersweet when i read... itworried me that I am yet to tell him the whole story, but for now I was happyat the moment and there is no need to complicate it further.

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