Chapter 15

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Pha, Beam and I were on our usual table before going in for the classes, Pha said "I didn't want to talk much in front of Yo and Ming, so tell us what happened?", i frowned a little, Guys have been overprotective and Beam has been hovering over me unless am with Ming, while he made sure to tease me any opportunity he gets to a point where it was now annoying. "Well, everything – i told him everything, his pa and ma where hurt, but they were willing to acknowledge as long as their son is happy", I paused for a minute "His mom, even asked me about my parents".

Beam was silent for sometime "so everything" he paused , i first nodded without thinking when i saw the expression on his face and shock on Pha's "No, guys stop your imagination. I just told him about my past", they let out the air they have been holding on "I was jealous for a minute" smiled Pha. I smiled back "I might have committed emotionally buy physically it going to be a long time" i sighed, they nodded as they understood, to lighten the mood "Beam, you better watch out for Ming" I said , he gave me a wink "let's see". "I would really like to annoy those engineering brats" said Pha as he saw Ming and Forth walk into out building.

"Why are you guys here" asked Pha, "Campus Moon business, you need to come with us" said Forth, "Okay, you guys carry on, We are getting late for class" Beam added as he just pulled me out. Ming's look said it all, he came running to us and he pulled me back and said "Have a great day, KitKat" as he planted a kiss on my cheeks looking at Beam. Beam just smiled even more widely, "He will, with me" and dragged me out.

Crap, what is happening? Isn't Beam taking the joke a bit too far was all i could think, but then Ming's reaction was only going to make Beam tease more, i sighed – making a mental note to warn Ming.

The week flew past us, with lessons piling up we pretty much had our routine keyed in to the dot – Ming picked me up for class everyday – though i am not sure how he managed his equally hectic schedule to do that, and at night – everyday Ming was in my room and so was Beam. I can see that Beam was a lot distracted recently but i still was not sure what was going on.

We were at our favourite bar, Ming and Yo was going to join us in sometime. We already had a few drinks except for Pha, so Beam and I were a bit high when Ming and Yo joined us. "Hi .." I smiled big at Ming and waved , Ming replied back "Hello darling" while Yo silently followed, he came up next to me to sit and started drinking "this has been a crazy week, and it is going to get worse" whined Ming with his heads on my shoulder as usual "I am so tired, why don't you give me a kiss" he asked.

Beam just pulled me a bit and held my hands saying "Come on guys, don't hurt the single guy in the table" he added "No funny business on the table here – both of you" he shot a warning look at me and Pha, as he continued drinking. "Guys, Forth just texted me – is it okay if he joins" before anyone could answer Beam responded "when will it be just the 3 of us, i miss those days" and walked away towards the rest room saying that he will be back in sometime. Pha and I looked at each other, but i got distracted when Ming said "Kitkat, do you want to step out for a minute – i need some fresh air".

Ming and I were starting outside the bar near the side ally where it was silent and the only other person was on the other end talking over the phone. "It has been a week since i had you for myself" said Ming frowning "What are you saying, we have been together this whole time" I replied "No, to myself "he said coming close to me and pulling me in for a Kiss. He slowly bit my lower lips before deepening the kiss. A moan escaped me before i realized and he pulled me in closer. "Oh Kitty, I missed you" he said as he pushed me towards the wall and held me in place.

He started showering butterfly kissed all over my face and then trailed to my neck finding a sweet spot there he bit me again, I moved my hands up his hair to pull him in a bit as he shifted his attention back to my lips. He moved further in closer and his whole body weight was not pushing me up against the wall, my breath got uneven and i tried pulling back a bit. He was so intoxicated with alcohol and what was happening; he restrained my hands and tried to hold me in place. I froze and tried pushing me away from me. I couldn't breathe... I was tapping out but Ming didn't seem to notice. My head started spinning.

As suddenly as it started, Ming was instantly away from me and was on the ground. I was so stunned to react, while Ming tried to get up by himself, before i could gather a sense of what is happening I saw beam landing in a blow on Ming's face – before he can proceed further i tried to pull Beam back. "He was pushing you back you Prick" he yelled and then planted a kick on Ming, I snapped back to reality , and pushed back Beam and bent down to help Ming up. But Beam just dragged me back and "Next time, it will be worse" he warned to a stunned Ming and kept dragging me back to his car.

I have never seen him lose his temper, and he was not usually a violent person – but there was something in his eyes now, so i tried to calm him down "I am okay Beam, Don't worry" he then turned to look at me "I really am, Ming was drunk – but he would never hurt me. Now let go of my hand, and let us go help Ming" i continued "If you say so" he said and let go of my hand "I am going back. Apologize to him on my behalf, i need to clear my head. Will talk to you later" said Beam as he walked away. I stood there for a minute before rushing back to Ming.

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